OK, Got a Mono Amp 1100 watts rms @ 2 ohms. Got 2 DVC 600 watts rms 1200 max. I wanna wire both these subs to this mono amp. What I wanna know is how much wattage will I be getting to both sub from the amp if both the subs are 2 ohms. Amp gets 600 watts rms @ 4 ohms. What will I get to both subs if they're 4 ohms?
they both overratted the products and sonys 1100 watts rms is probably 400. glasswolf should have an input on this or jayj thay are both knowledgeable so i will leave the ratings to them.
Patrick I REALLY REALLY hate to tell you this but that sony amp is ONLY going to put about 250-300watts RMS. I don't care WHAT the book on it says on either one of the products. And you will be VERY lucky if the amp last over a month are two. And the subs FORGET it they sound like sh!t. There will be no helping them even with a 100,000 watt amp. Sorry to break it to you like that but EVERYONE here will tell you the SAME thing.
with two 2 ohm subs, at best you'll get a 4 ohm load, which will divide the 4 ohm rated power between the two subs. why on earth did you buy a mono amp and a pair of DVC subs?
Didn't buy at all... the Audiobahn I had for about 2 years just sitting around(which I was very satisfied with, especially what I paid for them) and the amp was discontinued from an authorized agent. The amp was a display amp and they had to get rid of it so theyy gave it to me. The model is 1000D and not a sony it's a memphis amp...they gave me a sony manual for some reason and put it in a sony box. I guess they had to get rid of all their memphis products. So I don't know the rating of that amp or if it's a good amp.
Is that amp any good or is it just as bad as sony. I'm trying to find specs for it but can't find crap. I guess that must mean the amp sucks. I'm gonna go back and try to get the right manual.
Ok I'm finding really good stuff on this amp I got. I'm even hearing that it's probably gonna blow my audiobahn in less than a month. I need some input is this amp as good as people says it is.
I just took my time and wired the subs and amp today and my audiobahn quake like hell. I'm sure if I get some JL Audio W7's I'm gonna be very satisfied
It sounded nice with the audiobahn's but if I couldn't wire them in series because it almost distorted the subs. I know audiobahn isn't definitely the best but I like em. I know JL Audio's are a whole lot better than audiobahn so I think I'll invest in a pair of W7's.
Don't think that W7's are your only option, they are great subs no doubt, but there are subs that are just as good (and you might like them better) for half the price tag. Go listen to Image Dynamics ID max, Eclipse Titaniums, also look at Adire Audio Brahmas and Resonant Engineering X.X.X. series. Many other options out there.