Eclipse cd3434 question


New member
Username: U4ic_fln

Post Number: 1
Registered: May-11
I bought the eclipse cd3434 head unit about 6-7 years ago. for the first few years i was really into burning mp3 discs on my computer. after a while i stopped burning discs because i had everything i wanted. i want to start making new mp3 discs again so i went out and bought some blank cd-r's. but after making the new mp3 discs the head unit is unable to read them. it reads the old ones just fine, so im wondering if there has been some sort of technological advancements in cd-r's over the last 3 years that the old head unit cannot detect.

any ideas why this isnt working?

Silver Member
Username: Kaerfpl

Spencerport, NY USA

Post Number: 943
Registered: Jun-06
The only thing I could possibly think that could be the problem is one of few things:

1. If you are using a new Disk Burner, the format it is burning the Disks with may not be the same as your previous older MP3 disks.

2. Are you sure you really purchased CD-R disks?

3. Have you tried simply burning a normal Audio disk and seeing if that works?

4. Is the format on the music files something that your Eclipse Deck can read?

Bronze Member
Username: Joe1234

Post Number: 47
Registered: May-09
Format must be ISO9660, mp3 encoding may be also an issue, use old tools (98-2000). That head unit has known issues playing mp3s OR buy a decent modern day HU supporting USB. For car audio USB is much better than cds as its all solid state.
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