I saw an old post April 09 that you helped get a code for a radio... Im rebuilding a 1985 BMW 318i and I recently purchased a BMW radio at a Junk yard the number stamped on it is F70922964A.. any Idea how i might go about getting the code for It.... not sure if the car it came from was a 1985 but it was a E30 (model) Thanks in advance for your consideration.....
Some of the other numbers besides the one on he back are... inside and are... SANKYO BFE2L03.70805-B GZ75E82B GZ75E61A 8737-2LC TR1AP620 8736-5NC ??9.17
I think It may be a ALPINE back in 2008 you solved two codes for two brothers that had the serial no. beggining in F #########A and ending in A not sure ..l.a lable fell off at the junyard .. you can still see where it was attached...