Archive through June 30, 2004

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Need some real help with subwoofersJonathan9
Sub QuestionJonathan7
2 Kicker Solo-Baric Subs, But what amp would do?Deadman6
Help me please...jeff anderson1
I wanna hook up Some car subs in my house, Please HelpBryan B2
Passive driverGrmncrsnbr3
Gotta love the box questionsGrmncrsnbr1
GLASSWOLF, please, I need the link. Donald R6
DB Drive SUBSJayJ3
What happens if you tune a ported enclosure to highGlassWolf2
Opinions of Type R?GlassWolf2
Help with comparison...GlassWolf8
DB Drive SUBScorey hicks1
Wat amp to power 2 Alpine Type S 10" subwoofers?Makaveli3
Best Sub. Selection for use with USA 2000X Amp.Lyle Howell2
Box Question, please helpPatrick Lorenz2
Opinions on orion subsdavids20041
Adire,Kicker,Cerwin Vega ?????Wahl9
Which sub woofer company is better? its_bacon1223
Plexi glass box ???? can it be done ?????Roger O9
Buying New Head Unit...Wahl5
System on a budgethairy_harry699
Stereo Problems Please helpRyan Drover4
Audiobahn Alum12X ConfusionIlya D.3
GlassWolf......Please assist this ......Plexi glass boxGlassWolf2
Info on digital design 1000 series subsGlassWolf2
What do i need to make a bass box ???Grmncrsnbr2
4 ohm or 2 ohm??Andrew13
What are the loudest subs?Andrew30
Which Subs Would Bump The hardest???b$BigChris$c4
Which sub woofer company is better? Andrew6
Rearview Mirror Rattledisturb3d_pri3st6
New system, kind of different ideaShon Gray13
Easy in and outJayJ3
Kicker L5 subwoofer ?????davids20049
Purchasing JL equipmentJonathan6
Subwoofer upgrade questionAnonymous1
What Subs for this Amp?Jonez7883
Kicker to JLJonathan5
Infinity Kappa Perfect 12.1 vs 12" Cerwin Vega Vmax 12"its_bacon128
Stereo Problems Please helpWahl2
What do you guys think of this setupdavids20042
Hifonics Zeus davids20042
35th Aniv CamaroGlassWolf6
Can I drive a subwoofer straight from my head's "sub" output?...GlassWolf9
2 kicker comp vr10s in 2 seperate custom port box for sale!!!kickercomp9
Alpine type R's AND kicker L7's?Wahl9
AudiobahnPatrick Lorenz5
Bandpass Box- please adviseJonathan2
Hatch boxesgary giarretta4
Subwoofer 12 " the rubber which is glued to the surface of the sub ...Andrew16
Are all sub termanals the samedavids20044
Opinion on 12W3v2Anonymous1
A question about my subs are they good?disturb3d_pri3st2
Mtx Thunder 6000sMw3
I need a good blue print to make my soeakerbox, or a websitePatrick Lorenz3
How to wire 2 10" subs to a rf 401s amp?Makaveli4
2 10in type R beat my 1 12in type R y??justin mccabe1
1 ez 1 hard questionjustin mccabe5
Bandpass boxits_bacon124
Subwoofer makes loud noisesnoisybuzz6
Need some advice on my popping problemGlassWolf10
How to get the most through a firewall...GlassWolf2
Question about Qaulity. GlassWolf7
Kicker subwoofer sk-10its_bacon122
Brahma Extreme!!! Take A LOOK!!!Jonathan2
Sony rulesJonathan93
Suggestions on a 2 Ohm 400 watt sub please! Anonymous2
Subs and systemGregg D1
Glasswolf Ported or Sealed?Mike5
Used equipmentits_bacon124
What best for mebubba3
Ports and HertzGlassWolf16
Inserting polyfill..g3412
12 inch VolfenhagRoger Ortiz32
Are all kicker subs goodWahl12
Tuning hZ on boxesPatrick Lorenz3
Running 3 8 ohm 10" subsShon Gray3
Basics of subwoofersJonathan12
Need some help, will this work???????swan4
Will Kicker Comp VR work well w/Hifonics BX1500D?ewfbootlegga4
Witch is betteryogi gorospe1
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