What gauge speaker wire should run between a kx1200.1 and a 15"L7?
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Use the largest size you feel comfortable installing.The bigger the better.
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16 gauge wire should do fine for the speakers. for the power cable, i recommend at least 4 gauge if you're going to run 1200 watts.
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With the Kx1200.1 amp If I were u I would say run 2 Gauge wire for the power and ground and for the speaker wire 16 gauge should work fine
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If that is all he plans on running,then teflondog is right.I say the bigger the better, but realisticly 2 guage wire is overkill for that amp.I think that if an amps speaker terminals can hold 8 guage and the sub can hold 8 guage and you have some laying around,use it,but it is not necessary.