Looking for a little help trouble shooting my stereo issues. Running an Alpine PDX5 amp w/ 4 speakers and a single 10W1V2 JL Sub 4ohm setup. The setup is about 2 years old. Currently while listening at normal volume levels the sub isn't working at all. Not even any static. The sub doesn't kick on until I crank up the volume levels to almost max. It seems as though there is an issue with the signal going to the sub or is this possibly an issue with 5th channel on the amp? I dont think the sub is blown only because when the sub does kick on its running smoothly. After the sub gets going it plays at all volume levels. Just not initially when vehivle is first started up....Any ideas? I checked all connections and everything looks good, RCA's, wries, etc...
No I dont have a mono amp to hook up to it. Do the Alpine PDX5 amps have known issues with the 5th channel? Everything has worked flawlessly for the last 2 years until now.
did you try putting putting rca's from another channel on the amp's sub rca's?
do you have a digital multi meter? if so check your subs coils make sure they both read what there supposed to. (2 ohm coil should be from 1.7 - 2.4 ohms) don't forget to account for your dmm's leads resentance.
check the sub channel at normal vol to see if its putting out power, check fuses.