The best fit.


Bronze Member
Username: Itatum

Post Number: 65
Registered: Jan-10
Im looking for the best fit for the audio system in my car.
Ok here we go im going to try to give all the info about it i can think of.
The amp is a AQ 2200D pushing two AQ 12s street duty in a a 4.5
cu. ft slot ported box, built by the great Bassman.The front 6 and
a halfs are not much to speak of they are alpines but i cant
remember the specs. I have a jensen uv7i HU now, i took that
out because i found a new KDC-MP238/CR and i knew it wasnt going to be great but man its just not enough.And for the new HU I would like a usb port in front or back and a AUX port to connect an ipod or what not and good output for what i have. Thanks in advance for the help. if you need more info let me know.
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