I found a local guy with a SAZ 3000D and he's looking for a smaller amp. I told him I would trade him my SAZ 1500D + $150 on my end. Is this a fair deal for me? If I get it, I'll run it at 4 ohm at 800 rms to my rl-p once I get the new alt in. For the time being it would be 500 rms at 4 ohm. I like the increased efficiency and the look of having a big amp. However I don't really "need" it but if its a deal worth taking I may do it.
I paid $225 for the 1500D so it'd be $375 total. I've been texting him and he lives a good ways from me. I'd like to see it in person, but the distance makes it a little more complicated. I won't have the money anytime soon anyways, not for a couple of weeks. I told him if he doesn't sell it before then I may pick it up.
definitely worth it, that 3k is a beast.. the 1500d is my least favorite amp from sundown, i am really starting to not like sundown anymore.. ya their amps are great, but just keep getting more and more expensive, and still you dont even get rated power unless running high voltage or running .5 ohm or lower but for the price you would be paying that sure is a great deal