So I just watched a video explaining what fuse sizes to run.
My amps total are going to be drawing, after efficiency considerations, 1442 watts of power at full tilt, which will be roughly 104 amp of draw. This is assuming they see no lower than 13.8 volts, I plan on it to be more like 14.0+ though. Using the figures in this video, I'm seeing between my first battery and second I'll be seeing 52 amps of draw, then from the second battery to the amps the total 104 amps of draw.
I'm thinking to safely fuse my car I should use maybe an 80 amp fuse up front and then a 150 between the second battery and my sub amp. The amp draw from my second battery to the components amp is only like 12 amps.
Right now I have a 200 amp fuse after my front battery, then the second fuse holder I ordered is going to have another 200 amp fuse before the second battery. That's going to be 400 amps worth of fuse between the two on the same stretch of wire. I'm guessing that might be a bad thing. Lastly, should I be fusing the wire from the second battery to the amps each individually or just run straight wire to the amps?
200 amp fuse + a 200 amp fuse on the same line = 200 amps not 400.
now if it was a fuse holder that took 2 fuses in the same holder then you add together aka like my new fuse holders that take 3 fuses so ex. 80+80+80= 240, but if i put one on each side of the same line ==[fuse]=========[fuse]=== thats still only 240 amps of fusing.
and you can fuse exturnely if you want but you only really need to do that on amps that require it.