I found one of these fOr pretty good price...I know a lot of people don't like boss but I also know a lot of people like them. The Manual on the website says 200x4 max but that doesn't matter...I just wanna power my 12'' pioneer sub, 800watt max or something like that. Just wondering if this would be a good idea to go with or not. Thanks.
Yeah I actually found a pretty good one. Check it put here: http://minneapolis.craigslist.org/csw/ele/2112894108.html
It's a blaupunkt gta4100 b 640watt ...I think it'd be perfect for my pioneer 12''. Specs on amp: Rms watts: 4x50 / 2x160 with max power of 4x100 2x320 bla bla bla.
Guy offers to sell it for $20 plus with all the wiring.
..im not using max power ratings. i gave you the rms wattage of the blaupunkt. And that blaupunkt would power my sub/speakers perfectly. Why should I stay away from that?
State your rms or continuous watts for your sub???? State how much money you can spend for an amp to power your sub????
Note, a sub needs a mono block amp to drive it...
everyone above have given you the correct advice and leading you in the right direction....unless you dont care what your music sond like and you just need some noise?????