Rear firing vs top firing, port direction, and cabin acoustics


Silver Member
Username: Nevertoomuchbass

2 Fi Q 12s, Mmats 3000.1

Post Number: 229
Registered: Aug-10
Okay guys im building a ported box for my subs and i had a few questions. But heres my current design. Its in my trunk, rear seats do not go down. 5ft^3 box(including port), single 6x12.5 port 32 inches long, both subs and port rear facing

first question: i know rear vs forward facing makes a difference, but would there be any gain to facing the subs up?

second: is a rear facing port next to the subs the best way to go or should it face up or some other direction?

third: the 12volt box calculator gave me the port length to have it tuned to 32hz, but should modify this at all because of cabin acoustics making it tune higher/lower?

fourth: the box is 5ft^3. should that measurement be including the port volume or without the port volume?

if my design is just fine, then just let me know. just didnt wanna put a bunch of time into building a nice box just to figure out i did it wrong. thanks!

Gold Member
Username: Delsole

Post Number: 1754
Registered: Feb-05
Those are some tough choices. I'm sorry i have no solid answers but i believe i remember a buddy of mine facing sub and port up a while ago with no rear speakers in the upper deck. It didn't sound bad but i never heard it any other way. I also think i remember some at a comp doing that.

Silver Member
Username: Nevertoomuchbass

2 Fi Q 12s, Mmats 3000.1

Post Number: 232
Registered: Aug-10
yeah i have speakers in the rear deck though.

Platinum Member
Username: Glasswolf

Post Number: 14222
Registered: Dec-03
in your case I'd face both rearward.
If you fire the port right into the package shelf or the back seats, you won't leave enough space between the end of the port, and an obstruction for the port to function properly.
Firing rearward will also give the subs and port some room to mature their output waveform, using the trunk as a second chamber, similarly to a bandpass enclosure.

That's the route I'd go
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