Car amplifiers for Home use


Bronze Member
Username: Makinblak

Monroe/Monticello, La/Ar

Post Number: 79
Registered: Oct-10
I'm wanting to put a car amplifier to some spare subs I got laying around, and really get wild with it in the future, and am wondering if that is feasible or should I get a home theatre amplifier? The car amp is dc and the house is ac right? how do you convert it? and If I had, say 3000 watts RMS running to a single 18 inch, would my house electrical grid hold up to that?

Gold Member
Username: Extrmndor3

Http://illuzonemu.serv..., ^^^Sick Game

Post Number: 8422
Registered: Feb-06

Silver Member
Username: Canaanwhite

Monroe, Louisiana USA

Post Number: 157
Registered: Nov-10
You can get a battery charger with the jumpstart feature which is usually 50-55amps...hook that up to a spare battery...then wire your amp up to the spare battery using your charger to keep it charged up...this should power your amp just fine...thats what we use to do to big CB linears back in the talk from home

Gold Member
Username: Livin_loud

MW2 Addict

Post Number: 3265
Registered: Jan-06
it's more of a pain than worth it. you need an ac/dc converter box/device to start. not sure where to get one. i'm sure you can online or at some electronics store. if you're serious and buy one i'll fill you in on the rest.

a better idea is to get a plate amp. parts-express has them. largest i've seen is 1000w.

Bronze Member
Username: Makinblak

Monroe/Monticello, La/Ar

Post Number: 80
Registered: Oct-10
a 100 amp alternator on a truck mite have 55 amps to spare for a system rite? so it would prolly be as good as my stock electrical in my truck. Does anyone sell a 100 amp or more charger?

Gold Member
Username: Livin_loud

MW2 Addict

Post Number: 3266
Registered: Jan-06
while fakeCanaan's idea works, it is not recommended to do so. that's what we call, to be politcally correct, "jerry rigging".

Bronze Member
Username: Makinblak

Monroe/Monticello, La/Ar

Post Number: 82
Registered: Oct-10
Im wantin to pump the juice

Bronze Member
Username: Makinblak

Monroe/Monticello, La/Ar

Post Number: 83
Registered: Oct-10
Man thats how i roll with the riggin. sounds good for now. but later when I have some money...

O and ^Thats what she said^

Gold Member
Username: Livin_loud

MW2 Addict

Post Number: 3267
Registered: Jan-06
go for it. just don't be upset when you let the amp smoke out/have a battery blow up and spray acid everywhere/burn your house down. should work fine until then.

Bronze Member
Username: Makinblak

Monroe/Monticello, La/Ar

Post Number: 85
Registered: Oct-10
That's why I got the yellow top buddy

Gold Member
Username: Livin_loud

MW2 Addict

Post Number: 3268
Registered: Jan-06
i'm not your buddy, guy.

well i suppose gel is easier on the burning holes in things part. might want to figure out if it's a trickle or float charger first. good luck.

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive


Post Number: 23883
Registered: Jun-06
This is an old request and is ALWAYS a bad idea. With all the inefficiencies involved with converting ac current to dc, just to run a car amp indoors alone is insane. Then you have the fire hazards and grounding issues.

Just don't do it. Yet it appears you're already convinced of the venture.

Good luck buddy.

Bronze Member
Username: Makinblak

Monroe/Monticello, La/Ar

Post Number: 86
Registered: Oct-10
ok friend, will do

Silver Member
Username: Canaanwhite

Monroe, Louisiana USA

Post Number: 159
Registered: Nov-10
Go with the yellow top that is a very good idea...I wouldn't feel comfortable with a wet cell battery in the house...either due to proper ventilation

Bronze Member
Username: Makinblak

Monroe/Monticello, La/Ar

Post Number: 87
Registered: Oct-10
yea and its only for short term. But how about the remote wire for the amp? how do I run that?

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive


Post Number: 23884
Registered: Jun-06

Gold Member
Username: Livin_loud

MW2 Addict

Post Number: 3270
Registered: Jan-06
you would agree with a troll that's making fun of you. if you don't know how a remote wire works then i now understand how you think this overall plan is a good idea.

Gold Member
Username: Gcs8

Atlanta, Ga

Post Number: 1607
Registered: Sep-09
i have all my spare equment setup in the house, have 2 large rv batterys on the back deck hooked to to buss bars to distrubute power tot he amps, there on a 2 amp trickel charge that turns off if the batterys are full. you want to keep the outside batterys in battery boxes with bakeing soda in the boddem to stop any spills if it does happen. use proper size wire, keep the batterys out side as most lead acid batterys like to make hydrogen gas with is flameabule so keep them outside. if you use a AGM seailed non spillubal battery you could keep it in side but i still recamend not to.

of corse i just use mine for watching tv not blareing music as loud as i can for a long time, that you would want home theater gear. or you could get some crown rack mount amps that will put out 3k rms at i think 4ohms iirc and its not much more then what the dc parts would cost you and you dont have a fire harzard. you just need to look in the right places and decide what your needs are. for me i use my dp parts beacouse i have random power outages and its nice to have music or radio when the power is out for a copple hours. i also understand what i am doing, i keep my power draw down have short wire runs, fuseing, ect. if the charger is running it only takes 78 watts of ac power to power the whole system. i am cheep and a crazy person so this works for me.

you can also go to radio shack or search on line for an ac to dc converter cost of a 25 amp unit is ~ $100. i still say look at the crown rack mount amps there beastly and there nice.

also fk spell check and grammer for this post.

Gold Member
Username: Gcs8

Atlanta, Ga

Post Number: 1608
Registered: Sep-09
remote wire is just a 12V source, eather get a $2 dc switch or a head unit for the house.

Bronze Member
Username: Makinblak

Monroe/Monticello, La/Ar

Post Number: 90
Registered: Oct-10
I know what a remote is and what it does. But never hooked one up to a flatscreen tv. And I have a 25' power wire so the battery and charger will be outside. and the 222 amp with 2 12s aint going to draw that much. It'll work for a party or 2 though i'm quite certain. So if you don't condone this activity, continue to avoid the remote question and have a nice day

Gold Member
Username: Extrmndor3

Http://illuzonemu.serv..., ^^^Sick Game

Post Number: 8423
Registered: Feb-06
you need an ac to dc converter

but most willnever do more than 5 amps
then for 3k rms you need around 300 amps

you do the math it will be COSTLY

Gold Member
Username: Gcs8

Atlanta, Ga

Post Number: 1611
Registered: Sep-09
rob dont be stupid, i have one that does 25 amps for testing and other asorted things. but yet getting 300 amps would be very costly unless you are a very good urban engineer. jacob from sundown has a whole bank of the things problaly bost him a copple grand for ~220-300 amps and on top of that a bank of batterys so he can do his testing at the bench insted of his jeep.

know your sh1t.

Bronze Member
Username: Makinblak

Monroe/Monticello, La/Ar

Post Number: 91
Registered: Oct-10
Thanks, death that was informative. I will check out that 3k amp. I have golden dreams for it.

Gold Member
Username: Extrmndor3

Http://illuzonemu.serv..., ^^^Sick Game

Post Number: 8424
Registered: Feb-06

your stupid i said MOST so dont act stupid..

yes there are a few that does 25 or even 50 but they are very costly

now whos the stupid?? you are

know your sh1t

Gold Member
Username: Gcs8

Atlanta, Ga

Post Number: 1613
Registered: Sep-09
you can get a 100 amp unit for ~350 used or 550-600 new.

Gold Member
Username: Extrmndor3

Http://illuzonemu.serv..., ^^^Sick Game

Post Number: 8425
Registered: Feb-06
350 dollars is around the price of a 2k watts amp
600 dollars is the price of a 3-4k watts amps

so thats afordable?? if your bill gates also.. you will get a very costly bill on electricity remeber it takes power to make power.. also lots of heat..

now he wants 3k rms thats around 300 amps of current so you said 100 amp unit for 500 new x 3 = 1500 dollars

does his electrical grid hold it up?? i dont think so
maybe if he connects it to a heavy power generator or maybe a pwoer plant

im not saying is not possible it is.. but is so costly and hard to build..

Gold Member
Username: Gcs8

Atlanta, Ga

Post Number: 1614
Registered: Sep-09
hey rob learn to read English, i never said the big ac/dc converters where cheep thats why i told him to look at the crown amp insted, i gave prices to show they the big units where not cheep. also it would not be a contenuis power draw.

dcv 13.8 * 25 amps = 345 watts

acv 120 * 20 amp (starndered circet breaker) = 2400 watts

for big honking home theaters you usaly get 30 amp breakers so.

acv 120 * 30 amp = 3600 watts

and if you go past that you get the home theater its own transformer ect yes its expencive i never said it was not. just giving info.

and again screw spelling and grammer to day.

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive


Post Number: 23888
Registered: Jun-06
Look Makinblak, it's your "project" and your money. You don't wanna hear why you shouldn't, just how to. Ok, so be it. Remember though that car audio in comparison to home audio is like comparing a pinto to a Ferrari. Comparing 1000w from car audio to 1000w of even mediocre home audio gear isn't even on the charts. Why? Because home audio is designed for far more efficient delivery of sound from its' sources. Because of their sensitivity home audio drivers and the quality amps that power them need so fewer watts to get the same output of car audio drivers/amps.

This is why a kick azz home audio amp is 500w and a car amp is 3000w.

That being said you are far better off spending your $$ on good home audio gear for your purposes. Some good quality car audio DRIVERS can be successfully used but leave those amps in your ride. A very efficient home setup with only 100w can knock your socks off. On the other hand you can waste 1000's of car audio watts and simply get amused.

My $.02.

Gold Member
Username: Gcs8

Atlanta, Ga

Post Number: 1616
Registered: Sep-09

Platinum Member
Username: Glasswolf

Post Number: 14192
Registered: Dec-03
car battery in the house is a bad idea. if the battery gasses in the house, it will kill you.

car audio in a house is a bad idea and never sounds fantastic, but if you insist on doing this, you need one of these:

I suggest nothing below the 1000 watt model

Gold Member
Username: Gcs8

Atlanta, Ga

Post Number: 1617
Registered: Sep-09
my honest sugstion is get a nice rack amp for the sub and a power converter for the mid/high amp, no batterys easy to deal with and still lets you do what you want to do. like glass and i have said batts inside are a bad idea.

Gold Member
Username: Extrmndor3

Http://illuzonemu.serv..., ^^^Sick Game

Post Number: 8426
Registered: Feb-06
then why you call me stupid?? and the stupid one is in fact you???
just because i cant type very good english doesnt mean i know my sh1t like you said...

Platinum Member
Username: Plymouth


Post Number: 15571
Registered: Jan-08

Only need a 1000va 120/12 volts transformer> 60$
2 diodes bridge 50 amps>20$
a big 1 farad capacitor> 80

With it you get over 70 amps continue under 15,5 volts

Personaly I use a pyramid variable regulated 0-15.5 volt 40 amps power supply without battery on both car amplifiers to play music for big room with a Behringer mixer console.


Platinum Member
Username: Plymouth


Post Number: 15572
Registered: Jan-08
Here is a Pyramid power supply 40 amps 750 watts:


I paid mine only 120$

Silver Member
Username: Cwruck

Post Number: 440
Registered: Feb-10
why do that? i know you think it can be easily done, but your just going to waste money doing it anyways, and i can bet you don't have the money to do that anyways since you are trying to find a "cheap" solution to getting loud inside your house. figure its easy to just use a car amp.
your going to have very many issues, the first just trying to get the power. next im sure your not very familair with batteries and the risk of them inside your home. next is the car amp itself, not even sure how to hook it up properly..
not trying to critize, just trying to help. your going to spend more money than its worth to have a ghetto looking set up inside your house.

just do it the smart way.
crown xls amps. can bridge down to low loads, even tho they say 4 ohms bridged is the lowest, they can go lower if your careful to not clip, which is easy to do as there is a clipping indicator.
also they have built in low and high pass crossovers that are set at 24 db octaves, perfect for subwoofers.

lets see the cost of a crown xls1000 brand new, can be had for $225 thats 1100 watts rms at 4 ohms 700 watts rms 8 ohms.
clean look, with steady voltage.
oh and also its probably cheaper than the battery, the charger, the car amp, the wires and whatever else mess there could be.
there's a reason things are made for certain applications..

Platinum Member
Username: Plymouth


Post Number: 15574
Registered: Jan-08

None battery in my case!

I use it because I don't pay for it, I use the power to make test then the 2 amplifiers are not used in my car!

A Behringer cost much less than a Crown then sound great!

Silver Member
Username: Cwruck

Post Number: 441
Registered: Feb-10
also know that most houses are only 20 amps for most rooms, except for a few like a washer an dryer hookup may have a 30 amp fusing.
but most are designed to blow at 80% to prevent damage.

and i didnt read all the posts but i believe the whole remote issue was misunderstood.
you can simply turn on a car amp by using a small wire and connecting it to the 12v and the remote of the amp, but it will not turn off until one of the wires is removed. thats where a switch can come into play, wire the switch up to simply turn on and off the amp. which will need to be grounded

Bronze Member
Username: Makinblak

Monroe/Monticello, La/Ar

Post Number: 94
Registered: Oct-10
yeah I don't have much money, that's why I was wanting to know what it took to hook up what I had. I already have the amp, sub, wires, battery, and charger, so which is cheaper now? And when I do spend money on an indoor system, It will be bomb. I don't want just a couple hundred watts on the sub, I want it to bring the house down. But yall gave me alot of useful info thanks.

O and I am kinda new to audio equipment, but i aint no retard.

Silver Member
Username: Cwruck

Post Number: 442
Registered: Feb-10
behringer amps do not have built in low pass crossovers.. at least not the last time i checked,and their ratings are of "peak" power even though they say rms ratings
buying behringer is like buying sony, while crown is like buying audison

Silver Member
Username: Cwruck

Post Number: 443
Registered: Feb-10
sell the car audio equipment and buy a crown xls2000
will cost around 400, probably even less than that. but its built solid, and has all the necessary crossovers to use it as a subwoofer amp.
if you really want to bring down the house, your best bet is to get some large drivers. 18 inches or bigger and building a huge enclosure for them.
it will take up a ton of space, but a room is much larger than a trunk so thats what will be necessary to do so.
mach 5 makes some cheap 18s not sure if they are in stock or not but i believe they are around 150 each, so a pair would be around 300. not too bad to get loud

Bronze Member
Username: Makinblak

Monroe/Monticello, La/Ar

Post Number: 95
Registered: Oct-10
Ok i get the remote thing, i was just wondering if there was a way for the tv to automatically turn the amp on/off. It sounds like to get 30 amps or more is going to take alot of money and work.

Silver Member
Username: Canaanwhite

Monroe, Louisiana USA

Post Number: 163
Registered: Nov-10
easiest and cheapest way is the battery charger on the yellow top...

Platinum Member
Username: Plymouth


Post Number: 15575
Registered: Jan-08

House outlet use 15 amps in Canada and USA, only rarely a outlet use 20 amps under 120volts, over it you talk about 240 volts!

A transformer is a transformer then if you have 120 volts with 15 amps in the input then the output is 12 volts, you are good with the good transformer for 150 amps under 12 volts!

Silver Member
Username: Cwruck

Post Number: 444
Registered: Feb-10
and you would be surprised what a couple hundred watts can do. with an efficient system it is easy to have a couple hundred watts have the neighbors down the street hear you, and it is enough to drown out your speakers.
i suggest go to a respectable home audio store and listen to a 50 watt per channel harmon kardon amp.
you would be surprised at what 100 watts can do with a pair of efficient floor standers

Gold Member
Username: Gcs8

Atlanta, Ga

Post Number: 1618
Registered: Sep-09
"buying sony, while crown is like buying audison" maybe the new sony amp's the old old ones where good i would say more like Pyle.

Bronze Member
Username: Makinblak

Monroe/Monticello, La/Ar

Post Number: 96
Registered: Oct-10
I saw a post by glasswolf saying he knew someone to use a closet as an enclosure, which is what I want to do, with an 18 mounted on the door and seal it all off good. Please spare me the moaning and groaning this statement will inevitably cause. I think a 2000 watt crown would do the trick, but my concern in the wiring in the wall. I will prolly hafta replace it with 220 hookup and do some majorly invasive electrical work.

Silver Member
Username: Cwruck

Post Number: 445
Registered: Feb-10
plymouth im a little confused at what your saying. im not familair with house electrical at all, so im not sure what you mean by talking about transformers.
i know in the commercial buildings i work in, normally in the basement where the "base" of the electrical starts their is high voltage, usually around 500 volts, and transformers are used because with such long runs, voltage will drop.
so they are used to get 240 for lights, and 120 for regular outlets. but i have never heard of anything at 12 volts. i am confused, or maybe just not educated enough to know

Gold Member
Username: Gcs8

Atlanta, Ga

Post Number: 1619
Registered: Sep-09
if you want to save some money theres some nice DIY floor standing speakers that are nice and cheep. when you start thinking about home audio come back and ask us we will help you.

Silver Member
Username: Canaanwhite

Monroe, Louisiana USA

Post Number: 169
Registered: Nov-10
using the closet as an enclousure would be nice....

Platinum Member
Username: Plymouth


Post Number: 15576
Registered: Jan-08

You don't need 2000 watts in your house to power a sub, in a car you need it because the space is so small that the low frequencies need much more power!

Silver Member
Username: Cwruck

Post Number: 446
Registered: Feb-10
you dont need to do any electrical work. thats why i said the crown xls2000
that will work and not trip the circuit.
in order to do 30 amps you will need to make your own outlet, run large enough gauge wire to carry those amps, and build your own circuit.
all that is unneccessary, and i would not recommend doing that, as messing with high voltage is dangerous when not trained.
i dont think you can turn on an amp, by powering a tv. but i could be wrong

Platinum Member
Username: Plymouth


Post Number: 15577
Registered: Jan-08

120 volts x 15 amps = 1800 va
12 volts x 150 amps = 1800 va

A transformer reduce the voltage but increase the amperage if you use a 2000va 120/12 volts transfo, from your outlet you will get 150 amps

Silver Member
Username: Cwruck

Post Number: 447
Registered: Feb-10
sorry plymouth i must disagree with that, i look at it the opposite. you need more power to fill a larger area with sound.
if you want to have your own loud listening area, it is easiest to do it in your car.
doesnt take much to get a car to 140 dbs, but its very difficult to do it in a house

Platinum Member
Username: Plymouth


Post Number: 15578
Registered: Jan-08

You missed some things about wave lenght!

Bigger the space is, lower is the power you need to reproduce the low frequencies!

Silver Member
Username: Cwruck

Post Number: 449
Registered: Feb-10
i still must disagree lol, but its all good
but op if you really want to bring your house down, a big crown amp, with a pair of 18 inch drivers, and a huge enclosure can get you loud

but i must say my tc sounds subs dont get as loud with low bass in my house like they do in my car.
they do great at 25 hz in the house and sure do shake the couch, but when in my car playing 25 hz, it is quite crazy.
it is very obvious that inside a car it is much easier to get great response from low frequencies compared to a house

Platinum Member
Username: Plymouth


Post Number: 15579
Registered: Jan-08

Use the same system in your house you will be surprise.

Also you sits to 4 feets from your speakers!

Bronze Member
Username: Makinblak

Monroe/Monticello, La/Ar

Post Number: 97
Registered: Oct-10
yea put a system in a suburban then a single cab ranger u will not hear the lows hardly

Silver Member
Username: Cwruck

Post Number: 450
Registered: Feb-10
thats what i just said plymouth

i have tc sounds lms-r's that i use for my house
i get good response on the lows. say in the region of 25-30 hz
but with the same enclosure and less power inside of my car, 25-30 hz is much much much louder in my car

Silver Member
Username: Cwruck

Post Number: 451
Registered: Feb-10
not sure what your trying to say makinblak
obviously a suburban is a large vehicle and has alot of space inside, while a ranger has barely any.
but if you put just a single 12 in a suburban and a single 12 inside a ranger, it will not be very difficult at all to make the ranger louder with numbers and louder to the ear..
if you dont hear the lows its because of a poorly made enclosure tuned incorrectly

Bronze Member
Username: Makinblak

Monroe/Monticello, La/Ar

Post Number: 98
Registered: Oct-10
I might not NEED 2000 watts for my home sub, but don't you see? I WANT it ! Purely to show off and be really obnoxious of course.

When I get closer to decision-making time, I will definately bug you guys some more about this setup.

Bronze Member
Username: Makinblak

Monroe/Monticello, La/Ar

Post Number: 99
Registered: Oct-10
cwruck, you got what I was saying, just put the same system in both trucks, and the lows just go wild in the bigger ride. Im not talking SPL, just sq lows 20-30 hz

Bronze Member
Username: Makinblak

Monroe/Monticello, La/Ar

Post Number: 100
Registered: Oct-10
Post # 100 !!!! does this make me a silver member??? We shall see!

Silver Member
Username: Makinblak

Monroe/Monticello, La/Ar

Post Number: 101
Registered: Oct-10

Silver Member
Username: Makinblak

Monroe/Monticello, La/Ar

Post Number: 102
Registered: Oct-10

Platinum Member
Username: Plymouth


Post Number: 15582
Registered: Jan-08

Congrat for your silver status!

If you want it!

Use the best solution by CanaanWhite a Charger with 2 Optima batteries to power your car amps!

Silver Member
Username: Canaanwhite

Monroe, Louisiana USA

Post Number: 163
Registered: Nov-10

Posted on Sunday, November 14, 2010 - 10:57 pm:
easiest and cheapest way is the battery charger on the yellow top...

Silver Member
Username: Makinblak

Monroe/Monticello, La/Ar

Post Number: 103
Registered: Oct-10
Yea I think i will for the time being. I will keep everyone updated when I finally make it a nice set-up

Platinum Member
Username: Glasswolf

Post Number: 14193
Registered: Dec-03
an 18" in a closet? That wasn't me. You' dhave to do a LOT of work to seal and reinforce a closet to make it into an enclosure properly.

Yes most homes are 15 amp circuits. I ran a pair of dedicated 30A circuits for my home theater system to handle the AVR and amplifiers, but in short, yes. It is a lot of work to get more than 15A (total) for a circuit, which usually means a circuit that handles one or more rooms, and everything plugged in at once. Lights, the TV, audio gear, etc.

Do not use a car battery in the house. Just don't. It's a good way to get yourself killed.

No easy way to send a 12V trigger just by turning on a TV. However if you have an AV receiver, many offer a 12V trigger that would in fact turn on an amplifier when the AVR is turned on via remote control.

If you do want to use a car amp in a house, you need a power supply designed to provide a sustained high current feed, of you'll be looking at a house finre. This is why we don't use a car battery and a trickle charger, or a computer power supply to drive an amplifier for long periods if we care at all about safety.

If you want a cheap solution, wait till Black Friday, and go find a cheap home theater in a box solution.
It'l have everything you need except a television and a cable/sat feed.

leave the car audio in cars.

Silver Member
Username: Makinblak

Monroe/Monticello, La/Ar

Post Number: 105
Registered: Oct-10
Glass, I'm almost positive it was you that said he knew a guy that put a woofer in a wall and used the room as one big enclosure

"You can build a smaller box that's tuned high and it'll be boomy. I've seen a 15" sub in a 12 cubic foot box tuned to 12Hz that you can't even hear at 40Hz, but in a home, below that frequency, it'll shake the foundation of the house apart on 2000 watts of power from a Behringer EP4000 amp."

Ok so maybe not? haha. Either way, I think it would be shizzle-tastic.
And I would never buy a home theatre in a box.

Platinum Member
Username: Glasswolf

Post Number: 14196
Registered: Dec-03
If you're on a limited budget though, Onkyo has some great HTiaB solutions that do the job till you can build something better.
HT is a very expensive hobby., I makes car audio look like a barbie doll collection by comparison. I've seen single components in home audio that cost more than the most expensive car audio system.
Anyway that aside, car and home audio are really apples and oranges when it comes to design approach. While I'm not a leading expert on home systems, I do know enough to offer some advice.
In home audio, you'd want something more like dual opposed subs, say a pair of 15" or 18" in cabinets on oppsing corners of the room, and you'd want to sound treat the room to shape the response of the subs. You'd also want either good plate amps on each cabinet, or one good rack amp to drive the subs. You'd also need to EQ the subs to further shape the response for good bass acoustics in a home. Beyond that, you really want to use something like a higher end AV receiver that offers a current generation Audissey sound shaping processor to adjust your room acoustics based on seating position and room response. This system uses a microphone where you sit, to shape room response by EQing the speakers, adjusting time delay, phase, etc. An example of this is the upper end Onkyo and Denon AVRs.

After that, you need to look for some good mains, and center/rear surround/surround drivers if you plan on HT.

A lot of things to think about beyond building a big sub box.

Also remember a living room doesn't have cabin gain like a car does, so a sealed or ported box will yield a different response. A ported box tends to be flatter than a sealed box in a hoouse, since the port isn't enhancing cabin gain, but instead it's making up for the natural roll-off of a sealed box.

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive


Post Number: 23890
Registered: Jun-06
I can't believe this thread has gone on this long.

Like I said a loooooooooong time ago in this thread leave that car amp where it was meant to be used, the car.

You want boom in the house? Put 1000w on a quality driver and you'll be rattling kitchen cabinet doors in your house. Done properly it is not only rewarding but safer, in so many ways. My 18" FI Q powered by a 1000w Dayton plate amp.

^^^That's at 40% volume.

When you get your fill and want to move on look into an IB setup. (Infinite baffle). It incorporates the house's/room's volume as the enclosure. Like a driver firing into a room from the attic. I wish I had the house to try such a beast. The possibilities in design are endless.

Silver Member
Username: Jcash

Post Number: 200
Registered: Dec-05
LOL theres used to be a thread like this atleast once a month back in the day...

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

2 hifonics 2607s, 2dcSounds12xls SPL\idmax12SQ

Post Number: 15777
Registered: Jun-04
the way paul did it is the way to do it right

Silver Member
Username: Makinblak

Monroe/Monticello, La/Ar

Post Number: 108
Registered: Oct-10
maybe it was you paul talking about the guy with a sub mounted in the wall with the room as enclosure. Would the sub not act as though it was in no enlosure at all?

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive


Post Number: 23891
Registered: Jun-06
Mounting it in a wall is no different than a regular speaker. Instead of the cabinet you have the stud bay behind acting as an enclosure. (Assuming it's an air tight one). You also have to consider the walls construction. Average drywall is by no means a satisfactory material for any enclosure lol.

Take a peek at this guy's install using 4 15" SoundSplinter subs under home theater.


Silver Member
Username: Makinblak

Monroe/Monticello, La/Ar

Post Number: 109
Registered: Oct-10
That is freakin SWEEEEET !! I just can't fathom how that would not be a free air type of setup. seems like it would sould like crap unless the attic was sealed off good.

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive


Post Number: 23893
Registered: Jun-06
Some drivers can handle the design quite well.

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive


Post Number: 23894
Registered: Jun-06
Read up on it some more.

Silver Member
Username: Cenus

Post Number: 208
Registered: Aug-08
this is why i love ecoustics for threads like this hahahahahha. can you run car amps in the house- yes, is it safe-no. ive ran a shocker sig 12 off a audioburn amp in the house before. just used a battery with, trickle charger. it f-n pounded my neighbor 3 houses away could hear it over her vacuum cleaner lol. or you could be like chad kuypers an use 4 AA avalanche 15's for HT, iirc he cracked his foundation or something crazy with em.

Silver Member
Username: Cwruck

Post Number: 455
Registered: Feb-10
ill just say it again, if you really want to be loud in the house get a crown amp.
its legit and you wont put yourself in harm
myself i have 2000 watts in my house just for bass with 4 12's in a ported box tuned at 32 hz.
I live in a different city than my main friends from high school and just recently one of them turned 21 and wanted to have a party and asked if thy could party at my house.
i said of course, and well i showed them the system and they were amazed!
it is loud, i dont know how loud db wise, but i would say more than 130 db. it overpowers my mains.
every window in my house rattles, the big front window is crazy, and can be heard rattling from across the street, as well as bass half a block away.
of course i cannot have the music that loud for long periods of time, but during the day the neighbors dont complain and actually like it.
of course i spent some money to make this happen, but probably not as much as someone else may think

and of course my stereo is all about sq, so when i want to listen to music the way its supposed to sound, it takes a few seconds to re adjust the gains to where im happy

Diamond Member
Username: Wingmanalive


Post Number: 23895
Registered: Jun-06
130db? Inside a home?

Are you sure lol?

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

2 hifonics 2607s, 2dcSounds12xls SPL\idmax12SQ

Post Number: 15778
Registered: Jun-04
your mains are probably in the teens db wise i measured mine before tops id say your hitting 116 db with them so maybe your bass is approaching 120 db

Platinum Member
Username: Glasswolf

Post Number: 14207
Registered: Dec-03
I was about to say.. My KEFs were $3600/pr new, and are 92dB sensitivity, 200WPC power handling, and I think their peak output is rated @ 115dB. With a white noise tone to set speaker levels on my AV receiver, even setting volume at the THX recommended 85dB, it's ear splitting to sit in the room and listen to that full range burst. On top of that, using an Adcom GFA-555 to drive those speakers, the thought that every increase of 3dB is taking twice the power of the prior volume level I can't really see someone sitting in a room with a 130dB audio system and enjoying it.

Silver Member
Username: Makinblak

Monroe/Monticello, La/Ar

Post Number: 114
Registered: Oct-10
I looked at the IB setup in depth, and I'm thinking that's the way to go when I get rich... yep

Silver Member
Username: Nevertoomuchbass

2 Fi Q 12s, Mmats 3000.1

Post Number: 181
Registered: Aug-10
I agree that the best way by far would be to get a plate or rack amp.

But I figured Id just throw this out there.

My next door neighbors son used to have a huge car audio setup in his room. It was probably total around 4-5k watts. At first he tried the whole bigass car battery/trickle charger thing, but it caught his room on fire in about a month. After that, he got a couple or few (I cant remember how many) alts from pick-n-pull, and he had them hooked up to a bigass electric motor with a car pulley on it. Of course this drew a ton of power, but he had it hooked into the old hot tub circiut outside behind his room. I think that was like dual 60 amp circuits. His motor got wiped out when a hurricane blew threw, and he rigged it up to an old honda v twin he had lying around till he could get another motor. We moved from there when I was like 12 so I dont remember all the little details, But i remember it was pretty fkin insane.

Silver Member
Username: Makinblak

Monroe/Monticello, La/Ar

Post Number: 116
Registered: Oct-10
that is totally ghetto. I like it!

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

2 hifonics 2607s, 2dcSounds12xls SPL\idmax12SQ

Post Number: 15802
Registered: Jun-04
alot of effort to do that

Silver Member
Username: Nevertoomuchbass

2 Fi Q 12s, Mmats 3000.1

Post Number: 190
Registered: Aug-10
nah not really. His dad used to build ships, so between the 2 of them, fabricating all the brackets and whatnot was a breeze. and he just used a belt that he got at pick-n-pull too. If i had the know-how id definitely do it. He even had a switch in his room to turn the motor on and off

Silver Member
Username: Canaanwhite

Monroe, Louisiana USA

Post Number: 194
Registered: Nov-10
id love to see pics of that setup it sounds nice

Platinum Member
Username: Glasswolf

Post Number: 14208
Registered: Dec-03
it sounds retarded. high cost of gas for the V-twin, hideous noise of the engine to drown out the audio system, etc.. all to do what a simple sustained high current power supply would have accomplished for him without any of the drawbacks. Also, he could have just built his own power supply to do the same job, using a toroidal transformer, some capacitors, diodes, and a self etch PCB.

Silver Member
Username: Canaanwhite

Monroe, Louisiana USA

Post Number: 201
Registered: Nov-10
you are just hatin because it wasn't your idea

Platinum Member
Username: Glasswolf

Post Number: 14211
Registered: Dec-03
yes, exactly. I'm upset because I wasn't the inventor of the mobile power generator. you got me.

Silver Member
Username: Canaanwhite

Monroe, Louisiana USA

Post Number: 203
Registered: Nov-10
you seemed a little crisped

Silver Member
Username: Makinblak

Monroe/Monticello, La/Ar

Post Number: 121
Registered: Oct-10
It aint always about having the most expensive, perfect setup in your room. You gotta count in the cool factor, and the satisfaction of it being awesome after you've made it.

Silver Member
Username: Canaanwhite

Monroe, Louisiana USA

Post Number: 218
Registered: Nov-10
some people have no creativity.....

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

2 hifonics 2607s, 2dcSounds12xls SPL\idmax12SQ

Post Number: 15831
Registered: Jun-04
bottom line do it right not ghetto

Silver Member
Username: Nevertoomuchbass

2 Fi Q 12s, Mmats 3000.1

Post Number: 196
Registered: Aug-10
yeah man im not saying it was completely practical, i was just sayin it can be done. im sure youd think it was pretty cool if you saw it. the v-twin didnt even make as much noise as the A/C unit outside. and im almost positive it was hooked up to natural gas, not gasoline. I remember some big contraption that fed into the carb and Im pretty sure it was a pressure regulator. This was not ghetto by any means. Once again, Im not saying this was practical or even a good idea, but im just saying, it can be done pretty nicely

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

2 hifonics 2607s, 2dcSounds12xls SPL\idmax12SQ

Post Number: 15943
Registered: Jun-04
your right it can be done but its still ghetto

Silver Member
Username: Nevertoomuchbass

2 Fi Q 12s, Mmats 3000.1

Post Number: 202
Registered: Aug-10
nah man ghetto is hooking up a charger to a few car batteries. this was an amazing device

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

2 hifonics 2607s, 2dcSounds12xls SPL\idmax12SQ

Post Number: 15961
Registered: Jun-04
ok ill take your word for it

Silver Member
Username: Nevertoomuchbass

2 Fi Q 12s, Mmats 3000.1

Post Number: 209
Registered: Aug-10
haha alright thanks man. the mind of a mechanical engineer can create some pretty wild things

Platinum Member
Username: Insearchofbass

2 hifonics 2607s, 2dcSounds12xls SPL\idmax12SQ

Post Number: 15967
Registered: Jun-04
that is true

Silver Member
Username: Makinblak

Monroe/Monticello, La/Ar

Post Number: 148
Registered: Oct-10
The mind of an afro-engineer can come up with some wild Sh!t too
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