Sorry about that delay getting back to you Ricky. I got caught up with a bunch of stuff.
Glad you got it all figured out.
Btw, just as an update. I will be taking someone's spot in SS this year. I won't say who just to add to the suspicion but I have already contacted the person who is sending to him and it's all taken care of. Just wanted to be public about it.
Hey its all good man I get ya, I am quite busy myself except for at work, wait that came out wrong, what I mean is I am on my e-mail and this forum at work..
I got your e-mail and acted upon it, he didn't want much so that makes it easy!
Just wanted to say thanks to Yanks for organizing this every year. Hes a good guy and I would trust him with anything. Hope this SS turns out great! Merry x-mas guys!!
I'm confused. You gave directions for n00bs but you didn't say exactly what this is. It's sounding like I buy something for 1 person, and someone else buys me something.
In other words, you're all buying yourselves something that you didn't choose... is that correct? LOL! In that case, I'd rather choose what I buy.
I'm confused. You gave directions for n00bs but you didn't say exactly what this is. It's sounding like I buy something for 1 person, and someone else buys me something.
i'm not sure what your idea of secret santa is, but around here we send pictures of our weiners to each other and guess who's it is.
In other words, you're all buying yourselves something that you didn't choose... is that correct? LOL!
no, they are buying something for somebody else. also known as a gift. this has become a tradition over the past few hundred years or so..
In that case, I'd rather choose what I buy.
you do that then. or keep posting in here for some unknown reason.
The purpose behind SS is not getting shit for free. It's a chance to interact with fellow members in a festive spirit and participate in an annual function. This isn't a raffle or drawing in any way.
What brings ppl joy should never be criticized or damned. There's far too much out there already that should.
It's also a voluntary thing. No interest? No problem.
Charity is different. I was assuming that this was a raffle. I've never seen a group donation from a forum, and it's odd. I don't understand why you all aren't donating items locally or why there are rules. Maybe I have a toaster that's worth $20, and maybe it's more usefull than a wine maker. "I'd also like to try wine making", obviously these lists are things that you guys want, yet "the purpose behind SS is not getting shit for free".
Are you donating the listed items? "Home brew ingredient kit. No stout or dark beer. Preferably ale", these sound like things that you guys want or why else would you prefer something for someone you don't even know? Maybe it's going to some random pennyless people, I don't care. I do want to know the state or organization though. I have a right to know a little bit about how I'm spending $50. At this point - I send you $50 - and I'm not sure what for. Apparently it's to interact/give stuff to another member, in a festive spirit or something. Hey, merry christmas - send me $50, it's going to be held by the "secret santa", and one of us gets to be him this year! YAY!
Can any of you see how you're confusing the chit out of me and I just want a simple fackin' answer?
Something like this, preferably...
These things are going to random poor people in Ohio that want to play video games and have nice 0g ring terminals. Gift cards aren't allowed because KFC is more usefull than a $50 Walmart gift card that could be used to buy life necessities. The secret santa is a user here that drives a van and will take all of the items in that van to the drop off point.
In that case, I have some car audio cr@p that I don't want.
Really I know where you're coming from, but at the same time gtfo man, obviously it's not for you. You've been a member since October, where many people have been here for years. This forum is small enough you interact with the same 1-2 dozen guys frequently, so while I'm not saying everyone is friends or anything, it's still a friendly way to interact with other forum members that you engage in conversation with the rest of the year.
I used to do Secret Santa in grade school, I know things are a tad different where you are, but have you really never participated in a secret Santa?
I don't mind donating car audio Christmas presents to those involved, now that it's clear about what this is.
I've never heard of secret santa. I googled it. "Secret Santa is a Western Christmas tradition in which members of a group are randomly assigned other members to whom they anonymously give a gift."
I already asked if this was that - "it's sounding like I buy something for 1 person, and someone else buys me something", but I didn't get a straight answer.
"Who'se getting these gifts?" "really?"
How am I supposed to know with an answer like that? Is that what I can expect "all year"?
"... and what sort of motivation am I supposed to have to buy strangers things?" "yeah, f*ck charity! bunch of freeloaders.. oh wait, maybe that's the whole point of this?"
This doesn't even qualify as charity. Being sarcastic about it would obviously make me think that this is actually for CHARITY. This is you guys giving eachother sh!t.
The purpose of this isn't to get free sh!t but we do? Is that what you're saying? You couldn't have cleared that up a little?
Some members have been here long enough to consider others' as friends. Though we have never met personally it still constitutes a friendship. During certain holidays it's considered appropriate to exchange gifts among friends. Not a freebie, but a gesture to celebrate the holiday.
Nobody is asking for donations. This is NOT about that.
Haven't you ever received a card in the mail that meant more to you because of the time it took to send it than what it was physically worth?
That's the point of getting someone a card, I don't question its value. I wasn't assuming that you guys were ASKING for things but hey that's what lists are for?
LH, it's as close to Secret Santa as we can get. This is what I do if you are curious or if anyone else is curious as well. I collect everyone's information who is participating via email. I then draw names out of a hat one at a time. First person picked sends to the second, second sends to third, third to fourth, and so on and so on. So in a four guy pool, it will look like this:
Person 1 to Person 2 Person 2 to Person 3 Person 3 to Person 4 Person 4 to Person 1
For those of you who had requests of who you wanted to send to, I did not include your requests name in the pot so when your name was drawn, I would put your requests name down as who you're sending to. Then I would pick next and that name would be who your request is sending to. It would look like this if Person A wanted to send to Person B:
Person A picked out of hat ---> Person B (request) Person B (request) ---> Next name drawn
I hope this clears up any information or issues people may or may not have with this. I do it as fair as I possibly can and have had very few issues year in and year out with people. I do not set the game up in favor of anyone, particularly for myself. It has been always random and will continue to be. I have had to make a few adjustments in the drawings here and there due to issues some members have with others and because I know some of the gifts people are sending so I try to have them ship to someone who will use it. If anyone wants to discuss it further, feel free to ask away.
I know I got ticked at the place I ordered from my SS, I asked they send to him, but they sent to me, so should be here today and shipped back out tomorrow! GRR... Oh well,
I asked if this was a draw, and it's not a draw but there is a draw involved for each person so it's like half a draw. If you didn't already mention that anywhere than how am I supposed to know what "secret santa" is? Is that a part of American culture? Gambling with eachother's stuff . I wouldn't want to because my stuff isn't as good as most of that, and I'd feel sorry for the person who gets it. Maybe next year. Unless someone wants a small sub, amp, and box?
I hope thats a detail sander like you were talking about. I did a little research and that seemed to be recommended. As for the tees, thats my favorite clothing line
IDK, I thought so at first, but the return add. isn't Paul. The way it's a sticker instead of hand written indicates to me someone a little older- not in a negative way just a bit more mature and settled down. Enough so to invest in return add. stickers because they pay bills with checks and stuff. I started thinking about it too much imo (as my comment probably shows) and figured it really doesn't matter, whoever mailed out to me really did a great job as I really like everything (well, I'm sure my kids will like the DVDs- not quite my taste ) If they want to take credit fine, but regardless I really appreciate everything.
Lol, Well Thats exactly what I needed. Thanks Andrew. Here is some of the stuff I plan on using it for. These are the open space on my stairs. I am carving out a design, and it is tedious to hand sand all the detail. Thanks again. I also included a few toys for kids in mine. I hope they like them.
Well, I'm horrible about this...but I haven't shipped mine yet. I'm a procrastinator, but I have my gift at the shop and will send tomorrow. Pretty sure I have pulled this one every year But I do come thru.
I may even throw in a few (cough dozen cough) tweeters.
Okay, sorry guys, been busy with Christmas and all. I have received my gift. I have not been able to send mine out though, waiting on 1 more item and then I will ship. I would like to say a huge thanks to Yanks and my SS. I know I have not been on here as long as some of you, but I feel very welcome. I believe that I have made some friends on here. Pics below of what my SS got for me. I really don't know what else to say but THANK YOU and God bless to him and his family. I am hoping next year I can get him to send to and make his Christmas as special as he did mine this year. Okay, enough rant, pics:
My SS should be getting his stuff today or tomorrow unless the truck breaks down or gets stolen or an asteroid hits us, tidal wave, laziness, a tail of a comet hits our atmosphere, there is a strike, the sun turns off, the world ends... or if Obama decides to take over a non government shipping service today...
Thanks Marc. I've heard from everyone except this guy and there's even a surprise for someone but I am a little worried. I will make sure that if the SS does not come through, I will personally cover for him and take care of the guy who did not receive.
Guys, I feel like an a.zz for not shipping yet but I have been busy as hell at the shop every day. Been booked up since mid-last week. Yea, I know excuses, excuses...but I do have my gift(s) here at the shop, just no shippy yet
Rest assured to my recipient, you will receive your SS. Sorry for the wait
I have no installed scheduled tomorrow. I just have to carpet a box in the morning, so I WILL ship before Noon.
lol. I was pretty sure I was not the one you were worried about, but rather the SS my recipient should be worried about...when it comes to secondary gifts of coarse.
I will send tomorrow. Throwing in a few extra odds and ends for good measure.
Bassman, thank you and Merry Christmas to you as well. MS, thanks and I know, I'm in a similar situation with Canaan. I'm sure my SS wil understand. Excuses: I'm new to this, wasn't sure what I was going to get, lazy (LOL) and I had to wait on the $. Is that enough? Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all my ecoustics fam.
lol its not me you f*ckin bean eatin hoe! I was in SS at first but some stuff came up and I personaly emailed Yanks and explained to him my situation. I really wanted to be a part of SS this year but sh*t happens yo.
Oh and if I was in it I cant beleive it would even cross your mind that I would screw someone! Didnt I send you some DVDs for FREE a few years back? Yea thats right FREE so stfu and eat some tacos on your way back across the border biznitch.
Anyways I really hope everyone had a good SS this year and like I said I had to drop out at the last min in case anyone was wondering why I havent been a part of this thread. Some extra expenses came up and had to drop money in to my truck that I wasnt planning on doing. Plus my work has really slowed down here latly so Ive been really tight on monies. Hell I barely got anything for anyone for xmas Well merry xmas,happy Jew version of xmas,and whatever the blacks celebrate happy whatever that is too.
Lmao u better settle yourself kid, i know you wouldn't screw someone one you wouldn't want to ruin your 6 years being here? lol dont you have some burgers you should be flipping mr. burger king. And get on aim one of these days u cracker.