Their was a bunch of BS at USACi Finals...suddenly at finals, the rules for SB changed. You could amazingly have mods forward of the b-pillar. We built the van around USACi Modified rules, but apparently the head bald guy in charge changed his mind. So...after seeing what they were letting fly in the lanes, I taped up the entire dash just for spite and to prove a point, and it passed inspection I was hoping they would DQ it due to all the tape (which prior to finals would have been illegal)
Not sure WTF they rules will be like next year, I may build a super-mod and run
and... whoops... that is what you get when you abuse the hell out of a 2515 w/
edit. Just looked back at the pics from my camera from finals. Some of the pics on the site are ones i took???? Not sure how the hell they got them. I posted some on the USACi forum, guess they just copied them.