Speaker component suggestions anyone?


Silver Member
Username: Allthingsfresh

Post Number: 118
Registered: Apr-10
I need some help choosing front comps. I want to get a sax-100.4 to power them but i'll get whatever amp matches up well.. But about 100rms per channel. Wanting to keep up with 2 15" xcons sealed/possibly 12's.. I was considering spending about $600 on a 3-way but then i'm thinking about $300-400 no more than $400 though on comps. 3-way or 2-way.? i know 2 is more simple but i want midbass and midrange woofers. How big of a difference would it be going from a $400 set to a $600 though? I mainly look on woofersetc.com and amzon or whatever is cheaper. but brands are Boston acoustics, Morel, Re audio, Diamond Audio, Rainbow, Alpine (type x), Focal, DLS. Those are the main ones im looking at but no specific model. Basically i want to see like the top 5 models you guys would suggest and if anyone has time to give some advice on this. I just want a great sounding system thats loud as well.lol But i definitely want some good comps to keep even if i ever switch subs or whatever. Thanks

Gold Member
Username: Joebruce

TC Sounds/DLS

Post Number: 3156
Registered: May-04


Gold Member
Username: The_image_dynamic

San Diego, California

Post Number: 5827
Registered: Dec-06
Twizsauce's end thread -- denied. These JBL's are better than anything anywhere near this price, they are extremely good comps. Sonic sold the sh!t out of these for $399, in fact, they sold OUT. For $239 they are a total no-brainer. But you need more than 100RMS. Think more in the 150-200 range. And go with just a pair of comps and a two-channel amp. Fuck the passengers.


Gold Member
Username: Gcs8

Atlanta, Ga

Post Number: 1526
Registered: Sep-09
i dont buy any thing unless i can hear it first.

Gold Member
Username: Gcs8

Atlanta, Ga

Post Number: 1527
Registered: Sep-09
well i try and not to.

Platinum Member
Username: Glasswolf

Post Number: 13992
Registered: Dec-03
your budget isn't big enough for any 3 way system worth considering. For $300-400 US, look at a 2-way set like the Focal VR 165 6.5" set (Polyglass), or DynAudio or DLS.

Gold Member
Username: Gcs8

Atlanta, Ga

Post Number: 1528
Registered: Sep-09
hey glass what do you think about this?

http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/store/products/Bravox-Audio-CS603CF-Component s.html

Silver Member
Username: Allthingsfresh

Post Number: 119
Registered: Apr-10
haha brad fu*k the passengers i never really thought of that lol but yea i don't really know where to get a demo of any of the brands listed really.. Maybe only alpine. I'm just basing it off of your guys' help! I'm sure that anything in that price range will demolish my stock speakers though.

Silver Member
Username: Allthingsfresh

Post Number: 120
Registered: Apr-10
Those bravox look very nice though.

Gold Member
Username: Joebruce

TC Sounds/DLS

Post Number: 3157
Registered: May-04
I will stand behind DLS til I die.

Dont get me wrong Im sure those JBLs are nice tho. I love JBLs amps,well the Crown engineered ones. Never used any other JBL amps.

For a budget of $400 I would go with these for a 3-way set

http://cgi.ebay.com/NEW-2010-DLS-UP36i-3-WAY-6-5-SPEAKERS-SYSTEM-/360311464642?p t=Car_Speakers&hash=item53e43ca2c2

Or for a 2-way

http://cgi.ebay.com/DLS-UP-6i-6-5-2-WAY-HIGH-END-CAR-COMPONENT-SYSTEM-/110589337 459?pt=Car_Speakers&hash=item19bfa35f73

Platinum Member
Username: Glasswolf

Post Number: 13995
Registered: Dec-03
Both of those 3-way setups (The SSA and DLS) are 6.5" systems. 6.5" is a midrange driver, not mid-bass. I consider a mid-bass driver typically to be 8" if you want a driver with a good waterfall graph that's going to roll off with enough output to cover to larger subs, but if you want a 3-way set with 6.5" midbass, then sure either of those is fine, I'm sure. You'll pretty much have to custom fiberglass kick/door pods for all 3 drivers on each side of the car if you want a good soundstage and imaging though. 3-way sets are much trickier and more demanding to install properly than a 2-way set, because each driver is handling a narrower frequency range, so you have more chance of beaming in addition to just being more complex to aim and angle each driver to get a good signal path, with equivalent signal path lengths. You're just adding another dimension to the whole process with teh additional driver. Also, ideally, 3-way systems typically work best when driven actively so you can control phase and time alignment for every driver on an individual basis. 2-way is just more forgiving, if you're after good SQ.

Gold Member
Username: Bernymac

Phnom Penh Cambodia

Post Number: 4863
Registered: Sep-04
If you are starting to get into component sets. You will end up changing them about 3 times or more before you find someone that your truly happy with. All of the ones these guys recommended will do well. I on the other hand, went from $350 - $400 CDT comps that didn't make me happy at all to some memphis mclass comps at $250 that I couldn't be more happier with.

Platinum Member
Username: Glasswolf

Post Number: 13999
Registered: Dec-03
You might change sets.. that's a very random statement. Personally, I did my research first, chose a $1200 set of DynAudio 3-way components, put literally hours of time into the alignment of each driver and the fabrication of the pods for them, and came out with an outstanding front stage that I have no desire to change. A lot of this comes down to doing your homework before making a decision.

Silver Member
Username: Allthingsfresh

Post Number: 121
Registered: Apr-10
Yea and that's what i'm currently doing and have been for the last 4 months. Glass don't you have a tech paper on active front staging? I need to learn more on it. I'm thinking of going with a 2-way and adding some good midbass 8" woofers. Any suggestions on two midbass subs i'd say $100 each maybe $150 each? Good misdbass looks expensive though but i dont really know which is good or not. And i think i'm going to decide between
http://www.woofersetc.com/p1139/System-220mkII--Dynaudio-575"-2Way-Componen t.htm
http://www.woofersetc.com/p7477/CMX-265-Kick--Power-CMX-65"-2Way-Kick-Compo nent-System.htm
http://www.woofersetc.com/p7164/Iridium-62--DLS-65"-2Way-Component-System.h tm
http://www.woofersetc.com/p4759/Dotech-Ovation-Comp-6--Morel--2-Way-Component-Sy stem.htm
The dynaudio's are pushing the budget though.

Platinum Member
Username: Glasswolf

Post Number: 14002
Registered: Dec-03
try looking at Seas, Eton, ScanSpeak, and the like on MadiSound for midbass drivers.

"Speakers" section.
Be aware that going fully active gets expensive, due to the number of channels needed in addition to the DSP you'll need to handle the time alignment, crossover, and EQing. Alpine has a good one, so does Pioneer in their stage 4 head unit (integrated) but neither is cheap.
You could check AudioControl as well.
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