Hi, there seems to be a lot of opposing views on radar detectors and/or laser jammers. Is it correct that the radar detectors only work for cop cars that are actively using their radars? If a cop is waiting in his car using a laser gun to detect your speed will he be detected by the radar detector/have his readings jammed by a jammer?
Sorry I'm just a bit confused by what does what and therefore if they are worth buying.. Ca anyone help me out? Thanks
Hi, there seems to be a lot of opposing views on radar detectors and/or laser jammers. Is it correct that the radar detectors only work for cop cars that are actively using their radars? If a cop is waiting in his car using a laser gun to detect your speed will he be detected by the radar detector/have his readings jammed by a jammer?
Radar detectors work for most any kind of speed detection (the most popular are KA and Laser).
KA has to be on constantly to detect speeds, but with laser, the cop can literally "zap" you and you're caught. The idea is that the radar/laser detector will pick up the zap from the guy ahead of you so you know the cop is nearby.
And for the most part...I'm not sold on the idea of laser jammers.
To avoid laser detection, there are some things you can do: 1) the first is this junk called VEIL (http://www.laserveil.com/) apparently you put it on the headlights and license plate on the front of your car, because--and this is accurate--a laser gun needs a surface perpendicular to the ground to detect the speed of the car. This Veil stuff apparently stops that somehow.
2) If it's optional, don't put a front license plate on your car. Aside from identification issues, I think most states want front mounted license plates for radar/laser gun accuracy.
3) This is VERY minor, but the darker the car color, the less likely that the laser gun will be able to pick up a reading.
4) finally, the shape of the front of the car (remember the perpendicular surface thing?) makes a difference if you're REALLY worried. For example, a corvette is going to be much better at avoiding laser gun beams than a nice flat-faced bus. But this is pretty much the last thing you think about when buying a car and really just FYI.