i have a dual 7inch flip out radio 4 gag power and ground wire and the big 3 done in 2 gag on a brand new advance 800 cca battery if these info matters
i have a memphis mojo 1750 rms and hifi brutus 2010d amp and it hits so hard alot harder then alot of my other setups to the point it drops my volts from 14 to 12-13 and when the bass gets to loud it cut my radiio off and then it comes rite back on like its resetting now i dont know if its takin too much power so my radio is cuttin off or if the vibrations is doin it anybody have an idea
i know with out this problem i can finally experience the true power of my setup
ps. When the screen is out it will cut off like at vol 12/40 and if the screen is in it will cut off at 17-19/40
with that much current draw, you should be using at least 1/0 gauge power and ground lines, and a High Output alternator (or 2) rated for at least 200A HOT output rating. Your amplifiers are going into thermal protection due to severe clipping.