*Unable to supply picture so will explain to the best I can.
We are attempting to decode our radio and removed the radio as we were told and found the label with all the neccesary codes on. The only problem we had was the 6digit code (which is located above the RN2*****etc number) appears to have been scrubbed off along with the last digits following the 8200/7700 code.
Does this mean we are completely incapable of decoding this ourselves or even a garage? Or will a garage be able to decode it for us with a small fee?
Please let me know asap, we are travelling Friday and would really appreciate a radio!
Stephiejayne can you send me a photo to codehelp@hotmail.co.uk. also look for the numbers/letters from below the main barcode something like 7700xxxxxxtt123 or 8200xxxxtt123 or the security code like Q123 or T0U123 can be found in a small box then i can help you off of the radio
it the last letter and three digits that are needed.
We are going to a local garage so they can decode it. Its going to charge but its the only possible way (via the microchip) that we are going to get hold of the code! Thanks anyway