The Ecoustics regulars should know me. Long story short, I bought Steve Millers 5750 and 2-18" alpha's a while back. It was one of his youtube setup's before he had his truck painted. When I got the amp from him the amp's heat-sink has Atomic 5000,1 on it instead of Rd5750. When I asked him why that was, he told me the reason the heat-sink was changed, but I don't remember the exact details. I have since had it repaired and the repair sheet had rd5750 on it and I have run it strapped with another rd5750 with no problems.. Now for my question.. I am considering selling it and don't really know what to list it under (rd5750 or atomic 5000.1). I know they are very similar but from what I understood there are differences..I want to avoid any bullsh!t with the buyer telling me that I listed one item and shipped a different. How should I list it for the different classifieds online? What are the differences exactly (if anyone knows)? Is one worth more than the other (used)? I am running it at .5 ohm on 2-15" HW's v.2's with no problems at all. If I sell it, then I will be selling the HW's as well.. Anyone know about what the going rates are for the amp in question and the 15's? any help would be appreciated.
I don't mind hearing everyone's suggestions, but I really want some input from the people who have been around a while and have dealt with RD before the chit hit the fan.. You know who you are. lol
By the way, I hope everyone is going alright, I haven't been on the forums lately and miss my E-buds. lol Later
i doubt anyone will be able to tell you if it is atomic or RD. in your FS thread - i would just explain it as you have above
ive purchased quite a bit of stuff from steve. im glad i bought the stuff prior to all of the just sucks that my 3250v1 isnt worth shitt anymore