1) Can i run two Sundown 1000watt amps to two of them? (one to each) 2) I've heard they are very loud but nothing about sql... how clean are they? 3) Is it worth the money to get two of them for my Nissan Titan to put under my back seats? thanks}
Have you bought them yet or are you still deciding on what to get? If deciding let us know everything your looking for, what your trying to accomplish and your budget.
I believe those subs are designed to see 500 rms each, so if they're the single 4 ohm versions then yeah the sundown 1000Ds would be fine for them. They do very well, here is a video of a pair in a truck.
Not sure if you've seen these one CACO yet but they're really nice looking for a good price.
I'm still deciding on what to get... but they have to be 8's. and price wise i dont really care for, but im a 16 year old teenager working for the money so id rather them be within the $900-$1000 for subs, box and amp.