Posted on Tuesday, August 17, 2010 - 02:00 pm: Hi, i need the code for a becker traffic pro car radio . model nr: BE 4733 serial nr: 15009527 thanx} =================================================
hi everyone i need your help because i don't have the code about radio car : becker traffic pro 4745 number serie: 25017392 thank a lot for your help!!!
ok thank you I will try and i will say if it's work's or not. you know i have lot of calculator but i don't know how does it work for example i have to write BP- - - - x - - - - - - -
Extrmndor3 the code is used to unlock your car radio after a flat battery or you have had work done on your car and the radio code gets lost. Most car radios are manufactured with an anti-theft unlock code built in. The radio will automatically lock if it is removed from the harness in the car or if the car battery is disconnected or dies. The radio will be inoperable unless the correct unlock code is entered. The first step is to remove your becker car radio from the car, you will then be able to locate the unique serial number required for decoding by inspecting the top and right hand side of the radio. A typical example of becker numbers are as follows : Type 1 has a split becker model and serial number such as Model : BE0837 - Serial : Y1245784 Model : BE1122 - Serial : Y7654321 Type 2 has the becker serial number and model combined to form the complete serial number Serial : BE411021234567 Serial : BE1234Y1234567 Then i use becker calculator to get the code.