hey i'm a hugde metal fan and i just brought a 3 door ford escort mk6 i have a budget for £300 can some tell me what subs amp and speakers are good for metal and are Mutant anygood?
Didn't see that you also wanted speakers... honestly I would wait, save up money, and do that step a bit later... it'd be better than buying low quality stuff.
find a sub that has a real low qts and LE value. that'll help the sub "keep up" on those double bass an kick bass that metal has. also you going sealed or ported? sealed would help it sound good but ported would be louder although it might sound "sloppy".
I know i'm going to get flamed, but i ran a 12 w6v2 back in the day before i went with the tc lms 5400. ran it sealed. i listen to all rock music. korn tool etc... w6 was great. if you look you can find one for a reasonable price.
are u in the usa or will u be buying it & having it shipped ? ....
Good point. Shipping amps and subs overseas would be pricey. And a budget equivalent of $467 really won't get a whole system without substantially compromising quality of the individual components.
they have low power handling with great effiency and they have poly cones with makes their cones so responsive and lightweight really great for metal songs wich you need a really fast and lightweight sub to reproduce all the metal notes....
go with the fusion subs their high or mid range line..
they are designed in new zeland wich you will find pretty easy in europe..
good luck.. ps people in here will try to make you have a super pricey system wich you will never need and it will be so costly.. stick with the fusions