Ok, so I bought an Eclipse XA1200 monoblock amp to power my new IDQ10 D2 V3 and Im slightly confused on what the RMS output of this amplifier really is... this question is really only for people that own this amp or know about how Fujitsu Ten rated their amps.
According to Sonic Electronix: 4 ohms: 350 watts x 1 chan. 2 ohms: 500 watts x 1 chan. Peak Output: 600 watts x 1 chan.
According to Crutchfield: 4 ohms: 500watts x 1 chan. 2 ohms: 600 watts x 1 chan.
According to the Eclipse Datasheet: 4 ohms: 500 watts x 1 chan. 2 ohms: 500 watts x 1 chan. Peak Output: 700 watts x1 chan. (regulated?)
I realize I should probably trust the datasheet/manual that came with the amplifier over anything else but, my question is to anyone who has owned the amp... does this amp put out 500 watts of clean power@ 4 ohms? When I set the gains on my amp I plan on using a 0 db - 50hz test tone to measure the speaker out @ around 42 Volts (sqrt of 500 * 4 = 44.72). I just want to make sure Im not going to be clipping my amp is all...
The only reason I haven't hooked it up myself is because I need to build a box and I haven't found the time yet.