ok, im gettin a box made for my 15" ht pro blackout(and ill jus use it for the other one i got comin to) and i went to the shop, planning on tuning it at 32-33 for SQ and lows. Now im not a box expert, but hes saying i should have it tuned at like 38 and that it wont hurt sq and that most music doesnt go below 40. But i like to FEEL the bass, so wouldnt tuning at 38 kinda jeapordize that? He goes "ur not worried about how loud its going to be"? well, even tuned at 32-35 itll still be loud enough im sure. Anyways, give me some input, and what ud do.
most music does not in fact go below 40 hz, some does but not most hip hop. but there is cabin gain, and your peaks are going to be much higher than your tuning. i dont think the guy quite understands all that. im sure he has no idea how to build a box to suit a specific sub. 38 hz you will still feel the bass, but lower will really let you feel the bass on those low notes.
DAMNIT i knew it! see, i think he things that it peaks wherever the tuning is, so basically if its tuned @ 38 hz its gonna be loudest at like 45 hz right? so yea.. u only feel the bass that is like 35-40 hz right? the thing is he like always brags about how he makes these mojo boxes and how he tuned em real high and gets em real loud and stuff, so i dont know... kinda scares me cause i kept saying nono i want LOWS and hes like i dont know about that, im afraid even if i tell him i want it tuned lower hell do what he wants anyays bahh. He makes good boxes though, and only charges 95.