my BMW Z3 battery is dead and now my radio needs the code. I unmount the radio. Details are : BMW BUSINESS CD 6512 - 6 900 603 BP9272 X 2161126 FD189 Index 02
Thx Hay88. I'd love to try it but my radio displays "CODE WAIT" because I made a mistake 3 times in a row before posting on this website.
I switched on my radio 90 minutes straight but it still displays "CODE WAIT". In the manual, it says this message should appear around 1 hour after 3 wrong codes. Do you know how can I get rid of this "CODE WAIT"? I unplugged the battery of my car, it didn't work...
don't touch any button cause if you do the wait time will start from the begining. can take few hours. by unpluging battery you have to start all again for wait time.