ordered it before sbn in feb. just received it yesterday. figured I'd put up a couple pics. the other sub is a 15" dd old school 9000 for comparison. Going to run this one off of a rf 30001bd. If I like it, I'll buy another and most likely order an audioque 20K
pictures don't do justice of how big these 21's are. Ohh I almost forgot I got another sub last friday. old punch 18. Don't know why they called these punch hx2's and not power hx2's. they use the power motors. Love old fosgate stuff. Guy must have stored it with the cone pressed down. Never seen spider sag like this. Ordering a recone for it.
Rovin, didn't know if you'd believed me in my other thread with the crossfires in it, when I said I was getting a warden. Was going to make sure I posted the warden on here so not everybody thought I was blowing smoke.