I Was tryin 2 see who gets fu.cked up on here? Whats your thing? Alcohol,Bud,shrooms,acid,mdma,yayo,salvia,peyote,whats your recreational release? All crazy wasted fu.cked up party or junkiee stories welcome! Who gets it in her.
My recreational release would be going out for a run or hitting some weights at the gym. Occasionally I'll drink a beer, but thats few and far between. Never been a partier.
lol, wtf's goin on here? well i would have to say im a pretty avid drinker...mabey drink too much..idk. but i stopped smokin pot when i was looking for a job, and just never started back up again.
i use to try stuff here and there but nuthing ever stuck, untill i tried N02. now over the last year it's really starting to become a habit!! kind of expensive too. $20 for a case of 24.
but my worst habit is for sure those f.ucking newports...
Very true, most expensive additions are- quality beer and high quality sound. Other than that I don't really have many addictions but the occasional need to go out and shoot guns- that gets pretty expensive also.
There was a time when there wasnt anything i wouldnt try. I tend to take things way to far though. Had to stop that sh it,now all i do is smoke. Im a newport guy myself! Steve,what do you pay for a pack out your way? Around here they go for around $6 a pack,give or take.
haha, they were like $6.02 in 07-08 and now the cheapest i get them for is like $7.40-$7.60 some places are just under $8.00 i went to detroit about a month ago and when the guy said $8.10 i just walked out the door...lol
Paul if that's your place I'm moving in. I love some good alcohol, never got into drugs since I've watched too many friends ruin their lives or die.
Jack and Coke or Smirnoff and Coke are two of my favorites. I'll drink Johnnie Walker black pretty often too. If I had to pick I'd say I love vodka, and sometimes drink it like water. I never drink a lot now that I have kids though.
Troy, yup that's my gameroom. Half of it actually. The bar faces my big screen tv and my 100" projection screen for movies.
While I dabbled a bit years ago in all sorts of stuff I must say I miss Mary Jane the most. In my professional career today though I can't risk the randoms I possibly face.
I'll say this though, I had a bad trip off some LSD years back that fucked me up for 2 days. And not in a good way either. That was the end of that.
Just for reference. Molsen ice on tap is the topps. You CANNOT beat tap beer for flavor or freshness. Coors has been my 1st choice since birth but I have been swayed many different ways in the past several years.
In my youth I could drink anyone on this forum under the table. Seriously lol. I literally drank a 12 pack of beer and a 5th of jack and still drove everyone home. Wasn't pretty but we survived.
Today though, don't be stupid enough to try it. You'll be a statistic.
for some reason these wine coolers seem nasty to me now....makes me only want to drink an occasional margarita now and thats it....i really dont like beer
damn paul thats awesome. you must make a pretty good living.
anyways i like to party...a lot. Not really comfortable discussing details with my name attached over the internet though, but lets just say you would never guess that I graduated a whole year early with a 3.57 gpa studying materials science and engineering and am going to get my phd for free . my friends have always been amazed by how hard i party and how well i do academically.
paul i use to more or less have your job as a teen, taking every one home rolling my balls off during x-mass or after a 5th of vodka (no beer). the joy of being the only one with a mini van as a youngen.... << was embarrassing but i was the only 15 year old in the atl that could drive or the only 16 year old with no state curfew or driving restrictions.
same as you mark graduated with a 3.6 but i drank alot in high school, almost every night but still was in all my classes. but didnt really worry about doing homework, just kinda coasted by. then got hit by a drunk driver and it was a huge wake up call and i stopped partying, every now and then i enjoy some crown, or crown reserve, or jager but thats about it. only drank 4 times in this year of 2010, and never touched a single drug in my life, and never tried a cigarette. pretty boring story lol
oh ya tried salvia with my friends, haha didnt do nothing, they were acting all crazy, but im pretty sure they were just messing with me, because i was completely fine. and we had alot of what was supposed to be the "best" lol
I used to drink when I was younger. I was drunk literally 24/7 for 3 days straight. That was during the three months that I was drunk at least 5 days out of a week. That pretty much led me to not drink anymore. I have also tried just about every drug, including inhalants. I still love the mary jane, even though I don't use it much.
gota love the inhalants man...nothing better than waking up to a few hits of nitrous to start your day..talk about a relaxing state of mind, at least for me.
@ Steve, Nice! Ive acually done that quite a few times!lol Ive been smoking for dam near 20yrs. started when i was 12,they were only $1 a pack then. I told myself once they get to $5 i was gonna quit but... never did! I dont drink or get high anymore so i gotta have something right? lol
Eh, drugs and heavy drinking < car audio. I'm a stingy bas+ard and I like my money. It's nothing to spend 2,000 a year on cigs, and that's my second amp. That's a termlab and the extra batteries I need. I'd rather have cash.
alcohol barely. bud every fvuckin day of my life. any psychedelic, acid, shrooms, 2c-b, 2c-p, dmt, 5-meo-dmt, 2c-i, dob, lsa, mescaline, ayahuasca. i'm into ANY psychedelic. dmt being my drug of choice. nitrous is decent. coke is meh fleeting high not worth any money. pure mdma (molly) is great too. datura blows. i like drugs
S.hit im fu.cked up now. Youve did that smoked this ,ive did it twice over and sold it. Probation now on a assault charge n other bs so wathcin p's N q's but fu.ck who dosnt get faded Drink 1 smoke 1 wish i had a couple good e's and a big fat gagger right now
everyfriday here in mexico.... like 20 six pack of corona's benson cigarretes for the ladys and a few grams of c0caine the purest one not like the dirty sh1t they get in the us