I posted this in the amp section as well. Theres not very much traffic on that section though...
For the last year I've been waiting to do a new frontstage in my car, but haven't had the time nor spare cash laying around to do so. I think its time to change that...
I have a C55 AMG Mercedes and want to keep everything looking stock as possible. This means I want to keep the stock HU and stock door pods as well.
As of right now I have 2 Dayton Titanic 10"s and a Kicker 650.1 for substage. I would like to keep the Dayton's but I plan on replacing the amp.
My first idea is to run... Audison Bit One Hertz MLK 2 Audison LRX 5.1k
That would give the tweets ~50w, mids ~160, and subs ~500-600w each. I'd rather run a 2 way even though I love the Hertz 3 ways due to space issues. Also I have a shop local that works magic with the bit one so he will be doing all the alignment.
If anyone has a better option on gear please let me know.
Yeah I'm going for clean, accurate sound but can still get fairly loud. I've never run a single amp on an entire system before so I'm pretty excited for that.
What up Jake? Sounds excellent man... the MLK2's and the JBL C608's are as good as it gets without spending $600+ or building your own with Scan-Speak etc.
Rovin I would say thats more personal opinion but yes they are in that category. Their Mille 3 way with the ribbon mids are pretty ridiculous sounding. The crossovers are as big as a 2 channel amp.
I really liked the Morel Elates that I heard a few months ago. Other than that I haven't really had a chance to hear much of their stuff. Apparently the newest version of their Hyrbid Ovation 2 way is very impressive for the money. I think they go for around $600-700 online.
The DLS Iridium and Nobelium speakers are awesome too and I've heard them in several different applications. I find DLS to be much more of an aggressive sound compared to something like Dynaudio which is smooth and accurate.
Never heard a set of hybrid audio's but from what I hear they are very nice. Its just hard to buy a set frontstage that you've never heard before... especially if your dropping thousands of dollars in equipment.
I'm pondering ordering the amp tonight unless I can find something else that I like more in the next few hours...