I'm using a DMM to set the gains on my amplifiers but I am not getting voltage on either of my amps' speaker outputs. Obviously when I hook the speakers to the amps there is no sound either. The amps are powering on, so I am trying to figure out what the deal is.
I am pretty sure that both my amps wouldn't happen to break at the same time, and I also doubt that both RCA cords I purchased are junk. The DMM is working properly I believe because I tested it in an electrical socket in my house. So I am thinking it could be the HU's preouts aren't working or I am doing something wrong.
Update: ( I realize I keep having these thread conversations with myself)
RCA's were bent awkwardly behind HU so I made more room and voila! Got the sub amp to work, HU and RCA's are fine, speaker amp is broken (only sends signal to left side). I just bought it refurbished; it's a good thing it is under warranty!