I have 4 old kicker c12's that are still in the boxes. I just don't have any use for them at all. I put them on ebay. anybody have an idea what they're worth. I used them in my man cave for a month or so and decided to go with 2 15 soundsplinter rlp's instead. Just didn't know what I should put on the reserve. thanks for any ideas
I like them a lot. Bought them about 5 years ago and they are still going strong. bought some plate amps from parts express and have them hooked up to the old kenwood receiver and cd player. They sound great. I've never heard an ssa sub. Heard really good things though.
hope my xcon lasts that long! just waiting for it too arrive, should come tomorrow, and just about finished with the box, ill try to post pics if i can, tho they are taken from my phone so not the best quality. but im pretty proud of myself how the box turned out, looks beautiful, and it should for the work i put into it
what are you replacing? nothing better than building the box yourself. thats my favorite part of car audio. I'm still learning. gets better with every box I build. Used to have all my boxes built and paid a fortune for them. I finished the box for my 21" warden over the weekend. should be here any day.
not really replacing anything just an upgrade from my 12" Re Sx ya there's no need to let anyone build me a box, i put white and black laquer finishes on it and im sure that would be quite expensive to pay someone to do, and also its going in the trunk of a 3 series bmw, so definitely would have to be custom made lol
did you do anything special with the box for the warden?
Not really, just braced the it really really well. You like your 3 series. my wife had a 325i and I had a 330. I've never had so many electrical problems with a brand of cars as I did with bmw. Window motors going out all the time. dashboard lights going on like a christmas tree. they were all new models and I was in the shop with them all the time.