Yeah I was looking around the internet, craigslist, and Ebay for a AQ1200D or a SAE1200D, but couldn't find a used one for sale. I even checked What's a good price for a used one of each? I know the AQ1200D is like $249 new and the SAE1200D is like $381 new and $260 for the refurbished v2 one. Do you guys think refurbished is good? Sorry I'm being cheap and lame.
Yeah I was at the sundown website and they only sold it through other retailers. That's where I found the refurbished one. I want one so bad but it's too pricey for me even though it's cheap to most of you guys. Thy shall find one. Thy shall bump very loud. Do you guys think the sundown amp will power 2 12" JL W3s in a sealed box? I bought those subs for $100 including the box.