Silver Member Username: Gcs8Atlanta, Ga Post Number: 602 Registered: Sep-09 | so i am gona get my self a spool of ol-62p178.htm best bang for the buck? best wire? ect. will this be enof to do a run of pos and neg from my front battery? and maybe redo my big 3? going in a 2010 Camry. |
Bronze Member Username: M_kimmel843Post Number: 64 Registered: Apr-10 | Yes, 50ft. should be enough to do the runs and big 3 easily. Next, the link you have posted is a good price for 50ft. of 1/0 wire but Knukonceptz has that price beat! Here is a link to a 50ft. spool of wire by Knukonceptz. I hear it's very nice wire and that it is really flexible. |
Silver Member Username: Gcs8Atlanta, Ga Post Number: 603 Registered: Sep-09 | yah i thought of that but heard that the shok might be better wire. |
Silver Member Username: CwruckPost Number: 280 Registered: Feb-10 | i recently(this week) had a problem with knukonceptz, i placed an order and they declined my credit card, but on my transactions history it showed i had payed and the money was gone. well after emailing them they finally figured everything out and sent my order out on friday, ordered on monday and got it sent out friday. so not saying anything bad, as they resolved the issue, didn't take too long to email back either |
Gold Member Username: DelsolePost Number: 1631 Registered: Feb-05 | I have no joke made about 8 orders from knu in the past month with no issues. Weather it was was a 200 dollar order for wire or 20 bucks for wring terminals. The knu 0 gauge seems to be thinner then monster but when closely compared monster is all insulation and knu has it beat with actual wire. I just ran 60 feet in my integra and it went very smooth. The wire is pretty flexible compared to others and over all pretty easy to work with. I also used the knu triple mini anl fuses with no complaints. |
Bronze Member Username: M_kimmel843Post Number: 66 Registered: Apr-10 | The Shock wire is said to be able to handle 260 amps while I saw on the link I posted earlier that the Knukonceptz wire only handles up to 250 amps. That's really the only difference that I could see that might lead me to believe that the Shock wire may be better. Just depends on what you want to spend. |
Gold Member Username: BonhamdTraverse City, MI Post Number: 2223 Registered: Nov-07 | dont buy just yet......paul will chime in...he has some shok for sale i think |
Silver Member Username: Gcs8Atlanta, Ga Post Number: 604 Registered: Sep-09 | he has 50'? |
Diamond Member Username: WingmanaliveWww.stainles... Post Number: 22942 Registered: Jun-06 | Almost. I have 30' of red and maybe 25' of blue left of the 1/0ga. It's CCA though so just a heads up. Great flex and true gauge. I'm giving it away at $2/ft shipped. I also have two spools of 4 ga. Is that still a competitive price? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Gcs8Atlanta, Ga Post Number: 605 Registered: Sep-09 | is that the shok wire? and i kind of need 50' contentious, but nice pricing. |
Silver Member Username: Gcs8Atlanta, Ga Post Number: 606 Registered: Sep-09 | i may still buy some off you if i need more then the 50' spool tho.... i may be a crack head. |
Silver Member Username: Sleste8Shelbyville, MI United States Post Number: 224 Registered: Mar-10 | i recently ordered from knu my self. i ordered 3ft of the blue KLMX cable just to see what it was all about. and i needed to replace my ground, so i thought i would try them...they ended up giving me 4ft 5inches. and for $1.75 a foot, it's good stuff. joe-i also went to the 3 mini anl fuse from knu, seems to be holding up great. some people complain about knu's compression fittings but they seem fine to me, and very easy to work with. ill be ordering from them again.. |
Silver Member Username: SkdooleyRoanoke, VA Usa Post Number: 864 Registered: Oct-09 | If you can get it for a better price from Paul I would get it from him. You're going to cut it reguardless so being continous or not shouldn't be a huge deal. I ordered some from him and you're gonna be impressed by this wire. It has a huge thread count yet it is SUPER flexible, almost like warm play-doh. Pretty good stuff. |
Silver Member Username: Gcs8Atlanta, Ga Post Number: 607 Registered: Sep-09 | i just don't want to end up being like 3" short some where beacouse of how something gets cut. |
Diamond Member Username: WingmanaliveWww.stainles... Post Number: 22943 Registered: Jun-06 | I have it if you need it. Some guys install their power wire before cutting. That way you're not left with 5-6 pieces of scrap wire you paid good money for. Or run a piece of string to get the exact length before you cut the wire. |
Silver Member Username: Gcs8Atlanta, Ga Post Number: 608 Registered: Sep-09 | paul i will come to you the secened i need any more wire after the spool. if you don't mind. |
Platinum Member Username: Nd4spd18Philadelphia, PA Post Number: 11160 Registered: Jul-06 |
Never heard of a butt connector? lol. $2 at your local autoparts store. |
Diamond Member Username: WingmanaliveWww.stainles... Post Number: 22944 Registered: Jun-06 | Yeah, I didn't think to ask earlier myself. Why the 50' continuous length? No car is that long from the battery to the trunk lol. |
Gold Member Username: Wolf_houndPhoenix, AZ Post Number: 1218 Registered: Sep-05 | Unless you have a limo lol |
Silver Member Username: Gcs8Atlanta, Ga Post Number: 610 Registered: Sep-09 | just part of my OCD and my fail at measuring things right. and it's going to be a present for my bday and my family fails so i haft to make it easy for them. |
Diamond Member Username: WingmanaliveWww.stainles... Post Number: 22945 Registered: Jun-06 | Yeah I have my quirks too. I grew up in a house of 7 so I learned to ALWAYS lock the door to the bathroom, even if it was just to brush my teeth. Today, even when I'm home alone in my own house it's a habit to keep locking that door. I know it's stupid to do but you won't change me of it. |
Silver Member Username: Gcs8Atlanta, Ga Post Number: 613 Registered: Sep-09 | my dad was born in 1939 right after the great depression so he was raised to be cheep and waste nothing and that has rubbed off on me, i don't like to waste any thing, it explains a lot of my house. |
Silver Member Username: JbpittPittsburgh, Pa. Usa Post Number: 448 Registered: Jul-09 | Paul,if you still have the 30ft of red i will gladly take it off your hands. |
Diamond Member Username: WingmanaliveWww.stainles... Post Number: 22953 Registered: Jun-06 | No problem man. I'll pm you my Paypal addy and as long as there's a confirmed address it will ship the day after payment. $60 shipped total. |
Silver Member Username: JbpittPittsburgh, Pa. Usa Post Number: 449 Registered: Jul-09 | Never got the pm, email |
Diamond Member Username: WingmanaliveWww.stainles... Post Number: 22966 Registered: Jun-06 | Sent. |
Platinum Member Username: Insearchofbass2 hifonics 2607s, 2dcSounds12xls SPL\idmax12SQ Post Number: 14300 Registered: Jun-04 | another happy customer coming right up |
Silver Member Username: JbpittPittsburgh, Pa. Usa Post Number: 459 Registered: Jul-09 | Yesir |
Gold Member Username: Kyle_lowePost Number: 1163 Registered: Apr-06 | paul, whats the price on the 4ga? |
Diamond Member Username: WingmanaliveWww.stainles... Post Number: 22974 Registered: Jun-06 | $1/ft shipped. Red or blue. Giddyup! P.S. If you buy a knife off my as well you get a free T-shirt. How cool is that lol? |
Gold Member Username: Kyle_lowePost Number: 1165 Registered: Apr-06 | is it the shok reference CCA? |
Silver Member Username: JbpittPittsburgh, Pa. Usa Post Number: 461 Registered: Jul-09 | Got the wire today,thanks again Paul |
Diamond Member Username: WingmanaliveWww.stainles... Post Number: 22988 Registered: Jun-06 | NP. The Shok wire I have is indeed CCA. |
Silver Member Username: 420pimp2Baltimore Atlantic Ci..., MD, NJ Post Number: 944 Registered: Jan-06 | how much a square foot for that sick knarly rug bro. i want it on my next box |
Diamond Member Username: WingmanaliveWww.stainles... Post Number: 22995 Registered: Jun-06 | LOL. You mean the carpet in the pic? That's a $20 7 X 9 carpet from Walmart. Knock yourself out lol. |
Silver Member Username: 420pimp2Baltimore Atlantic Ci..., MD, NJ Post Number: 949 Registered: Jan-06 | yea rug...ima need 20 sq ft shipped a.s.a.p. get to cutting hurry hurry |