So this may sound like a really noob question, and it probably is, but could i use a single amp to power my front and back speakers, and dual subwoofers all at once?
I plan on buying these speakers: (front) and (back)
Couple that with dual 12" alpine type r's :
And do you guys have any suggestions to what amp I should power all this with? Thanks
There are a good amount of five channel amps out there. However I cant remember the numbers they put out off the top of my head. If i have time tonight i will look a couple up.
Now is there a reason you want to keep this all on one amp?
I found a five channel amp that will do 650rms on the sub channel. If you can live with only running one sub it would be perfect for what you're looking for.
No particular reason. I'm pretty car audio naive. I'm driving a 96' BMW 318ti hatchback and it's just more convenient for me to have it all on 1 amp. I'm assuming it'd run me some more $ for installation if I had two amps?
I'm willing to spend about $300 on a good amp, or a little more if necessary to adequately power everything. Do you guys think it'd be better if I ran the speakers and subs off separate amps? Thanks for the help, appreciate it.
I would wait a little longer to see if anyone else knows of an amp that puts out a little more power on the sub channel. But after looking for a while i couldn't find anything that can sufficiently power two type r's. So i would think your best bet would be using two amps unless you would limit yourself to one sub.
Ok thanks...hmm well let's say instead of a pair of 12"s, would I be able to sufficiently power the speakers and a single alpine type-r 15" with a single amp?
That PG amp should do fine if you are going to run that sub. The sub channel does 650rms @ 2ohms so get a dual 4ohm sub, wire it to 2ohms and you should be fine.