Bronze Member Username: RosrockPost Number: 74 Registered: Mar-09 | ok so the adbcwarehouse guy says its tuned to 30 hz and 2.5 cu ft.(this is for an fi q 12) Id like you smart box guys to confirm this please. here are the OUTER box specs of it. 27 inches wide, 14 inches tall, 16 inches front to back. the port is 1.5 inches wide(from the inside of it.. all open space) and approximately 12.4 inches tall(again open space.. i didnt count any woodon top of the port or below, if u know what i mean im bad at describing). The port goes 18 inches straight into the box.(theres no L, just an I) ok so id really appreciate what u guys can come up with thx a lot. o yea and its 3 quarter mdf wood. |
Platinum Member Username: GlasswolfLexington, SC USA Post Number: 13363 Registered: Dec-03 | |
Platinum Member Username: GlasswolfLexington, SC USA Post Number: 13364 Registered: Dec-03 | Oh also I would double the front baffle for the sub to 1.5" |
Gold Member Username: Dustin3Box Designer & Builder...Dustin Post Number: 5549 Registered: Oct-05 | The box you have looks like it's tuned to 32 hz instead of 30hz (if there is no L in the port like you said) and is about 2.43 cubic feet before displacement. So your looking at around 2.3 cubes @ 32hz for the box you have. |
Gold Member Username: Dustin3Box Designer & Builder...Dustin Post Number: 5550 Registered: Oct-05 | I modeled it up with my program |
Bronze Member Username: RosrockPost Number: 77 Registered: Mar-09 | o greatbassman so... is there really that much of a difference ? what should i expect. thx a lot! |
Gold Member Username: Dustin3Box Designer & Builder...Dustin Post Number: 5551 Registered: Oct-05 | Nope, there won't be a huge difference and the Q sounds great @ 32hz anyway man. expect some nice lows out of it |
Bronze Member Username: RosrockPost Number: 78 Registered: Mar-09 | jaja thats what im hoping for ordering tomorrow! |
Bronze Member Username: RosrockPost Number: 79 Registered: Mar-09 | o god i cant wait till it arrives heard so many good things |
Bronze Member Username: RosrockPost Number: 80 Registered: Mar-09 | but so bassman if im poweing it with 1200 rms do u think ill need the spider option as well as the p chamfer option? what ya think |
Gold Member Username: SouthernrebelMonroe, Louisiana Team Audible... Post Number: 8024 Registered: Mar-04 | If Bassman's #'s are right (didnt check, but i bet they are) are looking at less than 9sq inches of port area per cuft. You might be looking at some pretty nasty port noise at 30-38hz. |
Bronze Member Username: RosrockPost Number: 81 Registered: Mar-09 | someone else confirm what hes saying?(as well as what that means) |
Gold Member Username: Dustin3Box Designer & Builder...Dustin Post Number: 5552 Registered: Oct-05 | ^^ true, forgot to mention that. You will definently want a little more port area though like Canaan said.. |
Bronze Member Username: RosrockPost Number: 82 Registered: Mar-09 | ??? so what the hell can i do to change that? ur scaring me man.. suggestions? |
Gold Member Username: Dustin3Box Designer & Builder...Dustin Post Number: 5553 Registered: Oct-05 | Means that your port height/width ratio is not big enough so you need a bigger port. If the port was 2.5 - 2.75 inches, that would be alot better. |
Bronze Member Username: RosrockPost Number: 83 Registered: Mar-09 | so lets say i go back to the abc wahehouse guy.. what should i tell him EXACTLY be specific |
Bronze Member Username: RosrockPost Number: 84 Registered: Mar-09 | ur not saying i need a difference box.... are u? or what |
Gold Member Username: Dustin3Box Designer & Builder...Dustin Post Number: 5554 Registered: Oct-05 | Tell him that your port area is too small, and that 7 sq inches of port per cube is too little for a slot port. Yes you would need a different enclosure. |
Gold Member Username: SouthernrebelMonroe, Louisiana Team Audible... Post Number: 8025 Registered: Mar-04 | Did you tell the box builder what sub you were getting? And what power you would have? You see, if you were using a low powered sub...say 2-300w, you would be fine w/ that much port area. But w/ higher power, you will likely get chuffing (aka port noise). I would go for at least 12sq per cuft for port area, depending on the amount of power you are using. |
Gold Member Username: Dustin3Box Designer & Builder...Dustin Post Number: 5557 Registered: Oct-05 | Since you will be running 1200 you should look into getting a diff box, or you could try it out, and it if you get no port noise then your fine. But you most likely will. |
Bronze Member Username: RosrockPost Number: 85 Registered: Mar-09 | yes i told him EXACTLY which sub hed be making it for! so since he fucked up dont u think he should make me another free of charge!? |
Gold Member Username: SouthernrebelMonroe, Louisiana Team Audible... Post Number: 8027 Registered: Mar-04 | Well, technically yes it is the builder/designers fault for not building it w/ enough port area. But sadly, ALOT of shops don't know any better, and even when they do get port noise, they blame it on the sub not their box. Some don't even know what port noise is. I would go talk to the guy and ask him if he thinks you will get port noise. If he looks like he has no clue what that is, mount the sub in the box and show him that 'chuffing' sounds like. Then tell him its because of too little port area, get him to rebuild it w/ more port area, but the same tuning. |
Bronze Member Username: RosrockPost Number: 86 Registered: Mar-09 | sigh ok |
Bronze Member Username: RosrockPost Number: 87 Registered: Mar-09 | hey bassman could u give me a call maybe real quick 989-928-0083 |