For the record, you can add a Stereo Integrity Mag V3 to that list as well. It performs dammmm near identical as the Q. Very nice sub and I'd recommend it if you're looking for a solid daily sub.
I'd take a peek on I think it's called and take a look for one there. Their for sale ads are usually solid. Just be careful.
Question was intended for 'The Boss' . Just making sure he's looking for the type of sound he's shooting for. Sometimes people can be mistaken, so just trying to make sure he's looking for the right sub.
do i know the difference between sq and spl LOL thats just a fu ckin dumb as s question...spl is like l7s and subs that sound like sh it when turned up.sq is a sub thats meant to sound "good" turned up.
well, no need to be an as$ on here... these guys are commenting on here to help you, not to intentionally make fun.. and youre on the right track, yet youre still wrong.. an SPL setup doesnt necesarily sound like crap.. i know plenty of SPL subs that have great SQ
What I was leaning more toward was, do you want more low end bass or are you looking for it to be more loud overall? Depending on the driver you can get a mix of both or more on either end. Not meant to be a dumb question or to be a d1ck, just looking for the sound you were shooting for.