New to the forum, so hi everyone. Looks like this has some great info. So here is the problem. Ive got two cars and 3 subs. two 10" infinity kappas. and a 12" memphis audio power refence. I have a 98 gmc sierra extended cab which I want to add a system too. I have a 2005 mini cooper which has a system already.
Which car gets which sub. Hear is what I have tried so far. mini (500rms at 2ohm amp) Kappas in sealed box sound ok not that loud kappas in ported box sound loud and quality is pretty good Memphis in ported box sounded muddy memphis in sealed box was good only at bottom end did not get full bass.
Gmc sierra (750rms @ 2ohm amp) Memphis in ported box sounded good and loud but box has to be huge it specs at 2.0cuft. Have kids now so need to go with sealed under the seat. Have not tried the kappas yet
My choices 1. Keep kappas in ported box in mini and buy single sealed box for memphis 12 in truck.
2. Put kappas in dual sealed box under seat in truck and Try and build a box that sounds good for the memphis 12 in mini(have not been successful yet with sealed or ported)
3. put kappas in truck and buy either a single 12 or dual 10s for mini 4. buy new dual 10s for the truck and keep kappas in mini
Each car has its problems. The truck will really only work with sealed box. The mimi will work with either but Space is an issue. The kappas are at there minimum for ported box size in the mini.
I definately want to keep the kappas wether they are in the mini or the truck.
What I would like to do is put Kappas in truck and buy new 12" sub that could go in a sealed box in mini that would have good sq and still be loud.
Sorry for the long post. Hope I havent totally confused everyone. Thanks for any responses. Eric