Need new alt


Bronze Member
Username: Rosrock

Post Number: 35
Registered: Mar-09
im gonna get a new amp that runs 1000-1100 so im wondering if someone could give me a link to an alt that would fit my 96 corsica well. Also does this mean i need a new battery?(i never run the subs with the car off if that helps). Also will 4 gauge wire be ok or should i get 2 gauge. thx a lot

Bronze Member
Username: Rosrock

Post Number: 39
Registered: Mar-09
bump someone please help?

Gold Member
Username: Bonhamd

Traverse City, MI

Post Number: 2166
Registered: Nov-07
most people stay with their stock charging when dealing with 1000 watts or so

what size is your stock alternator?

Bronze Member
Username: Rosrock

Post Number: 40
Registered: Mar-09
how can i check? thx for ur help

Bronze Member
Username: Stubbs563

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Post Number: 43
Registered: Feb-10
google, stock 96 corsica alternator, looks like around 105a, im not sure i just looked on a couple websites, so you may want to check just to be sure. I am running a kicker zx1000.1 on a 95 a alternator and its fine as of right now.

Gold Member
Username: Illuminator


Post Number: 5115
Registered: Apr-05


most people stay with their stock charging when dealing with 1000 watts or so

I've noticed this, and I don't think it's a wise idea, considering 1000w RMS pulls ~50A, and most stock alt's only have about ~20A to spare (of course this varies by quite a bit).

HO alts are all over. Just found this on ebay: rlp=1_263602_263622&ff4=263602_263622&viewitem=&guid=b2e2ebce1210a0b58306c846ffe 6ea87&rvr_id=&ua=WXF%3F&itemid=390167697338

220A max and 110A @idle. Not bad. If the above link doesn't work, just search ebay for "390167697338" and it will appear.

I'd personally go with 2ga wire.

Best thing to do is just google "chevy corsica ho alternator" really.

Platinum Member
Username: Glasswolf

Columbia, SC USA

Post Number: 13223
Registered: Dec-03
actually a class D amplifier is about 80% efficient, so at 12VDC at full output, a 1000 watt RMS amplifier will draw 100A of current, not 50A.

That's more than most cars' stock alternators can even produce, with the exception of a few SUVs and such with 135-165A alternators, provided solely for high demand vehicles that have power *everything* and draw a lot of current already.

Bronze Member
Username: Rosrock

Post Number: 41
Registered: Mar-09
so if i get a new alt sghould does that mean i have to get a new battery to? (i never run the car with just the battery)

Platinum Member
Username: Glasswolf

Columbia, SC USA

Post Number: 13232
Registered: Dec-03
you mean you don't run the car stereo without the engine running, right?
In that case, the alternator and "big 3" will be sufficient for your neds.

Bronze Member
Username: Rosrock

Post Number: 43
Registered: Mar-09
what does that mean glasswolf?? speak english please;)

Platinum Member
Username: Glasswolf

Columbia, SC USA

Post Number: 13235
Registered: Dec-03

Silver Member
Username: Gcs8

Atlanta, Ga

Post Number: 406
Registered: Sep-09
just be glad you don't have a 2010 Camry cant find a dam thing for it thats not way over priced or dosent work.

Gold Member
Username: Illuminator


Post Number: 5118
Registered: Apr-05


Quick crit on that article (I've run across it before):

The reason for the author's amplifier blowing was due to the alternator not providing the necessary amperage, NOT solely because of the wiring.

To quote from the article:

"If [the headlights] dim while playing your system...What causes this problem are the stock, small gauge wires used to connect various electrical components."

Headlights dimming aren't only because the wiring is small, but the source of energy for the system (the alternator) typically cannot provide adequate power. Morever:

" Large amplifiers can pull up and over 200-300amps, so now you see the problem."

This is true (for really really big amplifiers)...but in the context of the article, I don't see how upgrading the wiring is going to magically give you an extra 150-250A. ;)

The article makes it seem as if you do the Big 3 whenever, but I really think it's only appropriate if you get a HO alternator.

Overall, though, I think that's the best article for describing the Big 3 upgrade. So I give the author props for that.

Platinum Member
Username: Glasswolf

Columbia, SC USA

Post Number: 13240
Registered: Dec-03
yeah I was mainly just using that to point out what the "big 3" is.

The author is actually an idiot.

Gold Member
Username: Illuminator


Post Number: 5124
Registered: Apr-05
Haha, yeah, I definitely wasn't saying anything about you, Glass. I've had to link a few people to a Big 3 upgrade article, and that was the best I could find, too. So I've just seen it before is all. The actual content is excellent, but the author's reasoning for it is fairly stupid.

Platinum Member
Username: Glasswolf

Columbia, SC USA

Post Number: 13247
Registered: Dec-03
I may steal that article and re-write it some time, and put it on my site as a link for folks. I guess there are a few more I could write that get asked a lot, too.

Gold Member
Username: Illuminator


Post Number: 5125
Registered: Apr-05
It would be extremely helpful. I've linked to your site a lot and it would be much more convenient.

Silver Member
Username: Sleste8

Shelbyville, MI United States

Post Number: 127
Registered: Mar-10
^x2 your website has some extremely helpfull info, and it couldn't hurt to add more. then i could find everything in one place

Platinum Member
Username: Glasswolf

Columbia, SC USA

Post Number: 13260
Registered: Dec-03
I'm putting together some stuff to add to the page. I'll try to let ya know when I post some new links
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