i just found a really cheap hyundai excel for sale. looks like a piece of crap, but thats exactly what i need. just a POS beater.
2 door hatchback
anyone ever use one of these little cars for an SPL vehicle?? what do u think the tuning peak of the cabin would be?
and lastly, what kinda numbers do u think it could pull with a single kicker solo x 18, wired to one ohm, with two PRS-D2000SPL's strapped, and the proper electrical to back it up.
honestly i dont care about numbers with this one, i just want a daily ground pounder.
more of a sleeper, seems how its such a piece of crap.
and i guess a big question is how much am i guna have to spend on a descent alt for this car, im guna need atleast around 220amps +. import alts are expensive, right?? if so, that sucks..
if your looking for a louder beater just pick up an old s10 blazer.. they are very cheap here.. plenty of parts in the junkyard for them.. and alts are plentiful and cheap
there's a 1995 eagle talon right down the road also. and that actually seems like a good car. its not a tsi though. but that doesn't really matter.
it doesn't look like there's a ton of room though. the back seats would deff have to go, and its already ben lowered. and with the stock rims back on it, it looks like it would drag the ground if i add a few hundred pounds to her.