Ran into a real finacial problem...gottta let this amp go. Was planning on keeping it as a back up amp, however due to my situation I got to sell it. I just got it back from Ampjunkielike me, not even going to take it out of the box...hoping it goes fast!!! She's got a few cosmetics one of the corners is a little rough looking but other than that nothing out of the ordinary.
price is 595 shipped + paypal fee's. You can use the "gift" function to avoid paypal fee's if you wish.
Now lets get her sold! check my ref's if you have any questons...
Only picture I have on me at the moment. trying to find more, its the middle one
Dude, that sucks. I sent you a message on SMD, but I'm pretty interested. I've got a cousin who might want it, otherwise I'm going to check my finances tonight and see if I can take it off your hands.
Hope things pick up, shoot me an email when you get a chance: tejcurrent-at-yahoo.com