Eclipse 8454


New member
Username: Kazino21

Post Number: 5
Registered: Jul-04
I will be going today to check out the Eclipse 8454. But why would a top of the range sq model have internal high powered amps in it when it is blatant that these amps would never be used by any discerning audiophile, without amps there will be less interferance and they could have put that extra money of making those mosfet amps into better circuitary in the rest of the unit?

Just wondering how do these units compare in sq to say a sony c90r with an xdp4000 processor which would come to about 700$. The only reason i'm not geting one of these old skool sony's is that the x-overs were designed for their own series of speakers at that time.

Also where is the cheapest place to get the 8454 my local is doing it for $600 but I've heard you can get it for much less from a good dealer.

Gold Member
Username: Glasswolf

NorthWest, Michigan USA

Post Number: 3747
Registered: Dec-03
sony's reliability is lousy.
the eclipse's internal amp can be turned off as I recall, which negates any problems it'd cause, which is minimal anyway since modern headunits use class D/T type amplification anyway which produces little heat.
The speaker power is offered for people who don't want to spend the money to buy amplifiers and new speakers etc and just want the features of the CD8454 without the added expense of replacing the entire system. (Think Mercedes owners)

you should be able to find the 8454 as cehaply as $500 or so if you're lucky.
retail is $600

Unregistered guest
I'm in the market for a new deck right now, I like the Alpine 9835 but the Eclipse 8454 sounds like a better buy. Sq is very important to me. Anyways my question is this. If I go with the Eclipse 8454, what amps should I run for my subs and mids, for best sq. I have Boston pro series 6.5's and Boston pro series 10.5's

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