I wasn't exactly sure what forum to post his in but here goes:
I want to get a toyota prius hybrid car for environmental reasons. Has anyone tried putting a system into one of these hybrid cars? I want to know how the performance, power split, battery, etc. would be affected. I also want to know what mods could be made to the engine (if any) to compensate for the weight of what ever subs i do get so that I don't sacrifice speed.
Ashley I think you should contact a Toyota Dealer before putting a system in one of those since it is half electric. I'm not really sure it would be a good idea. Because over 50% of the car is electric and a high powered system will prolly kill the electric motor and I really don't think you would want that to happen. Good luck
Yeah, definetly go to the dealer or contact toyota. Make sure you have alot of info on the specs of the equipment you want to put in. So that way they can really give you a good opinion.