Archive through June 25, 2004

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  Thread Last Poster Posts Last Post
Did i f*ck upAnonymous1
Help me please...jeff anderson1
Wrong ChoiceAnonymous1
Breakin in subsgar231
Repair for the Foam ring around a sub driverJimbo333
Can someone help me figure out my setup pleas!Michael Wasyliw2
Did i F@#$ upMichael Wasyliw6
Glasswolf, opinion, sub in console?Anonymous7
JBL subsTHE fun One15
Need help wiv Kicker sub box dimensions?Wahl2
Some Loud A** 10'sits_bacon126
Thankx to Everyone Esp GlassWolf Jonathon othersits_bacon127
Infinity Referenceits_bacon124
What would you do? mtx, rsx, rockford....its_bacon125
The db for temp hearing loss?Wahl5
Crack in Conedaniel stanislawski7
What Should I Get To Hit 150 DB in a 98 Altima?JayJ16
2 Shivas VS 1 Brahma 10" for SQJonathan7
Subwoofer choicesAnonymous9
Getting the Most from My Type RAnonymous2
Eclipse titaniumsits_bacon122
Need some advice on subsits_bacon122
BS amp & type R's??its_bacon124
People who want more READ THIS (save money)GlassWolf5
Tell me your opinion on my systemMichael Wasyliw17
Should i port or seal my box????? help Wahl5
Adire Audio Shiva-aren't these for HOME THEATER and NOT for CARS!!!...rob cabral11
Kicker 15" L5 or Rockford Fosgate RFR3112 power HX2Livin' Loud1
How do you tune a portWahl7
Sub/amp questionmanuel traycoff5
I have questions about my systemJonathan3
Everyone check out this websitedavids20041
Experience with Kicker Comp CVR Subskickercomp6
Car Stereo SystemsThe Big JB7
Alpine Type S,Kicker Comp VR-Ported Boxkickercomp3
Kicker vs. audiobahnits_bacon1210
Elemental designsits_bacon122
Subwoofer selection Glass/Jonathan/Baconits_bacon1210
What do yall think?xBrettx3
TYPE R's & X's RULEJonathan10
Box Size QuestionPatrick Lorenz8
Anyone using a TL Alignment for car sub?GlassWolf5
Custom Sub Box for a ford Escort WagonBrian Teitz3
Memphis, experience with LVS, MOJO?Donald R2
Suggestions on the Rockford HX2 power 12" subsWahl4
Kicker comp VR12 or Fosgate HE2 12Wahl6
Shaddup with Adireits_bacon1212
Ported Box helpGrmncrsnbr6
Kicker Solo Baric L5 10" 2ohms, any good?????Joey3
Kicker Comp VR 10 or 12Joey4
Solo x?Wahl5
Got an ideaGrmncrsnbr4
Need some help03Exploder5
Kicker S10L7'sxBrettx10
Ported BoxWahl4
Im looking for a pre-made sub boxBrian Teitz12
Sub/Amp compatibility questionJmmcool3
Simple (hopefully) sub wiring questionswan6
Polk/Momo or Rockford Fosgate PUNCH?Umair Ronn4
RF Punch He vs Pyramid Hyper Pro 15"Jonathan10
Alpine Type S question. Please Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!JayJ6
AudiobahnJustin S11
Help for Brahma box JON,Bacon_12,glassw,pat,wahl etcJonathan8
Eclipse 12" titanium sub box sizeGrmncrsnbr9
Glasswolf = GodGlassWolf3
Glasswolf...daniel stanislawski8
(2) solobaric L7 15's with Fosgate 1501bd its_bacon122
Facing of subwoofersits_bacon127
Best Amp for Type R?its_bacon124
Kinda Need Some Help With New Subsswan3
Whats better for splGlassWolf6
Rooof rattle ! now...Anonymous5
JL + ampits_bacon123
Mounting Depth PLEASE HELP MEJonathan15
Will this work?Jonathan2
Custom speaker boxes for 1990 honda crxpatrick1
I Want To Feel The Bass....Any Suggestions?Anonymous30
Adire VS Elemental Designits_bacon129
Final Post on Subwoofer Choice-1 10 or 1 12.its_bacon122
My systemspl3
Wiring 3 4ohm subs to a 4ohm 2 channel amp?hiphopanonymous2
Round 10" Solo BaricsGrantley5
What is the best way to face my subsdylan volpe7
Best 8" Subspaco taco12
Will this port work right??Patrick Lorenz2
Need some helpPatrick Lorenz2
Ported box questiondavid336
Custom boxTm5473
Need help with kicker comp VR 12"ssHeP4
10' subs?Makaveli2
Sub DirectionGlassWolf2
Comp X dei subjim1
Box buildingGrmncrsnbr10
Jl w3v2 12 or alpine type r 12mlbskuzz102
Best 12 sub for $350-$450justin mccabe7
Bent ports??Anonymous1
Bentley of Subs?BLADE7
What di u guys think of Kappa Perfects?Mike Loudon15
Can someone PLEASE help me choose a system!asdf jones1
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