Can you tell me how each of these companies amps are? Tell me about how they list thier power (over/under-rated) , their quality (how long they last) , and thier overall value.
also with a 2 channel amp there is no way to get 2 4ohm svc subs into a 2ohm load correct? because wired straigth to each channel, they both get a 4 ohm load and series bridged it would be 8 total / 2 so = 4. Am i doing this correct?? THanks
ok i have a Xtant A3001 which does 150 x 1 @ 4 and 300 x 2 @ 2. That can push my 2 4ohm svc subs at 150 a piece running at 2ohms. or i can get a MTX Thunder 311D R which does 155 x 1 @ 4 and 310 x 1 @ 2. the MTX is only about 10 dollars more. i think the MTX Thuner is probably the better made and much better product. Please give me a full analysis of both . If you can. THANKS!! i would greatly appreciate it!!
ok the MTX now i see only does 200 x 1 @ 2ohms on 12v. the 310 x 1 @ 2 is a 14.4v rating. Which kind of V would i normally get out of my car? I thought 12 was the normal.