my friends sub has a tinsel lead problem and i was wondering if there was a way to attach a new one or if i can use just a small gauge wire without taking the sub apart
the tinsel leads are the two wires going from the speaker terminals on the basket to the speaker cone on the back side. if you try to solder these, you need to use a fluxless solder, else the solder will travel up the leads and make them brittle, and they'll snap again.
^^^ i guess so..... I might try to solder some leads on just for fun but im sure they wont old up long might solder a bunch on while in in there. might also try to disassemble carefully to save the soft parts if the leads dont take. all i got to lose is the lead wires themselves since the subs are not operational at the moment.
If i ruin the spiders or surround trying to remove them w/o damaging them then so be it i need a recone anyways. might as well try.
ya i had to take another lead from a blown sub i had laying around and i weaved the two together and taped it and were it connects there is a lil metal piece so i just had to bend it and clamp the wire in between and taped it up now its workin like a champ lol