is it good to put two amps in a car, i mean is is hazordous for a cars electrical system??? my point is does it harm it in any way ???
'Cause i have a alpine Flex 5 (5 channels)thats powering mi front pioneer 180w 6'' speakers, back pioneer 6x9 250w and in the trunk mi 12'' pioneer 450 Subwoofer, and everthing sounds great, i love the way it sounds. But i'm looking for a little more ufff, so thats why i'm thinking of putting in an extra amp. My choice are either the Rockford Fosgate Punch 301S 75w x 2 or the Rockford Fosgate Punch 401S 100w x 2
HELP ME !!! is my decision the correct one ??? please give any ANY tips !!!! thankx !!!
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You'll be fine running those two amps. Just make sure you have big enough power cable from the battery back to the amps (2ga is perfect for you here) and keep an eye on your voltmeter for a while. If your lights dim or your warning lights start to come on then you may need to upgrade some of your charging system.
Check out the 'Accessories' section and read a post about "Alternators, Batteries, capacitors and myths" to get an idea of what your electrical system is going through with big stereo equipment.