Ok so here is the deal i have way to many subwoofers and not enough vehicles to run them in and lots of power to play with.
I have 6k rms on tap and i want some serious sql. I have the ability to fit up to 5 cubes net with a reasonable portsize and tuning. I want to stress again that i want this to be as loud as possible for a daily setup with relatively flat response.
The subs in question are:
I have a 15" loaded btl which i have never even tested before (never powered or mounted) in the end if i keep this sub i will run it till it blows from the 6k i will be feeding it recone it into a 12 and buy another 12 and then run 2 btl 12's
I also have 2 12" rd alphas, been running then for a while on one of my atomic 3000's but the enclosures i have them in cause unloading and a new box is in order if i want to continue to run these plus i don think they will like 3k rms each unless i build a very small inefficient enclosure (my other options involve subwoofers which are more geared for 3k rms daily and will handle a larger more efficient box for daily driving)
And i have one 12" konaki motor with dd 9512g softparts. If i use this i would buy parts to make another and sell everything else and run both 12's
My preferred option at this point is I think i want to sell the alphas and the konaki 9512 hybrid and run the btl 15 for a while until i blow it. Once i blow it i want to recone it to a 12 and buy another 12" btl and run both 12's. on a single 3k each. I think this option will best satisfy my sql needs since i think it will be loudest since the btl's are super efficient.
I have the ability to run 2 12's sealed off to the cabin but the single btl 15 needs to fire up in the trunk since i dont have 15 high under the rear shelf.
Option number 2 and the least expensive option would be to sell the btl and the alphas, find another konaki motor and recone it with the same dd 9512 softparts as the one i currently have and then run both of them each on their own 3k. I think this option will probably get as loud as the btl 12's but i think the btls will probably sound better
Option number 3 sell the konaki/9512 and the btl 15 and just run with the alphas till they blow each on their own 3k and sell the motors and buy something completely different after i blow them or keep the motors and have them reconed into something that can take 3k daily. i think this option is unrealistic since i will be wasting all the power i have on tap by putting the alphas in a small box so they will take the power (and hopefully it resolves my unloading issues).
i dont see the point in blowing subs only to recone them
i would sell all of the sub equipment you have - and buy 2 12s that will take 6K
nightshades 9512s btls alpha max other RD subs im sure dc level4 / xl dc level 5 RE MT audiopulse axis are a good deal on parts express http://www.parts-express.com/wizards/searchResults.cfm?srchExt=Mfg&srchMfg=419&C FID=10728243&CFTOKEN=58613949
the btl 15 would be cheaper to blow and then recone rather than to sell, pay for shipping and buy a 12. 12" recones are only 150 with baskets. vs 500 shipped for a 12. I would never sell my btl 15 for enough money to make up that difference unless i could do it locally which wont happen and even then it would be close. realistically i doubt i can even get $400 shipped for the 15" btl even tho its bn.
buying parts for a second konaki/9512 doesn't involve blowing any subs i just dont think i will be happy with the sound quality of those hybrid subs compared to a btl. I love the really strong low end that the btl produces. However if i went this this route it always leaves me the option to recone the konaki motors with psi softparts which would more than likely be similar to the btl's but i think the btl motor is probably a better starting point in terms of flux and spl potential.
keeping the alphas is probably just dumb with the power i have but I could just run one 3k and build a new box for them to hopefully cure my unloading and be at a similar place i was before but i wont be as loud with a new box most likely since i need to reduce my port area substantially to resolve the issue im having.
150 is sort of my goal if i had to put a number on it but id like to do that on music or at like ~35hz if possible and maybe do some small hair tricks.
I really like the axis but ive heard there not very loud. The btl should move a lot more air seeing as its 5db more efficient.
The alphas i would imagine would be similar in output being 3db more efficient but unable to take the full 3k rms
the 9512/konaki's would most likely be louder than the axis too.
Its still up in the air at the moment but if i sell all of my subs i should have just enough for a pair for axis 12's.
@ rovin, yea i dont really care about numbers at all i just want it to be loud to the ear and sounds clean, louder than my alphas and at least equivalent sq or better.
Ive been looking into the axis though and ive heard complaints about the upper bass range. I really need to have this thing his at least up to 65hz then start rolling off since my mids dont do sh1t below 100hz really. If i can get solid response up to 80hz from the subs that would be ideal. but i still want the lows obviously.
@ dom, I only have one and if i blow it its because i like it and i will recone it to a 12.
If i dont like it then ill sell it to ya. 400 shipped after i test it out. I will know within an hour if it will satisfy me or not so it will still be pretty much new.