LOL i know how you must feel. One thing i have to say about the internet is that you always get that little tingling feeling of excitement when you buy something online and wait for it to arrive at the door. Its like christmas. Remember when it was a surprise to get a package nce every 5 years now you get a package like 1 every 2 weeks.
Enjoy it, sir, I know I did. Was kinda sad to see it go. I know when I decide to get back into the audio scene that I will be purchasing another one of those.
Well thats all for the pictures, i tooka sh!t load of them but dont wana resize em all.
Review: i havent hooked it up yet but by the looks of it it looks good the bass knob is kinda broken(didnt know this).. the case for the volume nob doesnt stay on but the acuall knob is. other then that i am very pleased, the seller was amazing, great packaging, only took 5 days, overall A+++ so far. hooking it up now.
Oh snap. Sorry I forgot to mention that the metal part of the knob isn't firm on the plastic part. It actually came to me like that and it didn't even cross my mind
Okay, so this morning i hooked it up to my type r's (wired 1ohm), i used the same power and ground as before made sure i had really good connections.. and it seemed that the AQ wasnt putting out the same/more power then my PDX1000... not even close.
I DIDNT set the gains with a DMM or anyother type of meter.. cause i dont have one so i had to do it "by ear" real quick... (i set my PDX by ear too... but sat there for much longer then i did this morning)
Today when i get home i am going to hook it up & tune it again using much more time then this morning and if it performs the same way, im going to drive to a shop and have them hook it up & tune it and see how it turns out.
i dont know why, but it seemed when i got mine all hooked up that it took a LOT longer to get it set just right than any other amp i've ever had. maybe im just more particular now than i used to be
DJ has a certain way of setting it up. I don't have the info anymore. Call him and he will walk you through it. He is a really nice guy.
I set it up over a year ago and can't remember the particulars but it was something like, turn bass knob all the way up, turn gain up until clipping light on bass knob comes on, then back down the gain just a tad. Call DJ though.
canaan has proven how you can still send a clipped signal while setting the gains with a DMM - but i still think that it is more safe than simply tuning by ear - for me atleast
i simply dont have the skill level of canaan - and no offense, but i dont think you do either
thats why i think a dmm is the best option for beginners like many (myself included) on the forum
Well one thing ill throw out there is that your alpine is regulated 1-4 ohms and that means it will be better with box rise putting out the same power between those loads unlike the aq amp. Its not uncommon for some daily boxes to rise to 4 ohms.
I'm havin HORRRRRRRRRRRIBLE luck with it. It seems like it's putting out about 200 watts total. Close to no sub excursion, then it just stopped power my subs all together..
I've been emailing DJ and he said the prob isn't with the connections then told me to call him, but I'm heated and don't want to start cursin and yellin on the phone and look like a jackass ha.
Stock alt have anything to do with my prob?
I hooked one sub up and played it at 2 ohm 750 watts I believe and same performace with both subs hooked up...
Stock alt should not have anything to do with the problem. I ran that at 4 ohms on my stock alt. Do you have your filters set right? How about the problem with the RCA's? Did you ever figure out which one goes where?
What did DJ say on how to set it? I'm thinking you may have your filters set incorrectly on either the amp or H/U? Have you changed your settings on your H/U since you installed the amp?
Sean - i have them wired correctly and it happened with the single sub as well.. so that isnt it.
Naledge - The RCA's are good, im buying a DMM tomorrow and giving DJ a call. the settings on the h/u were flat then i changed them to my prefs and it did little change.
At harbor Freights (sp) what should i look for when buying a DMM? How powerfull etc etc
At HF you'll get only one maybe two choices in a DMM. Realistically you won't find MUCH difference in value there. It will do the job but don't expect professional quality.
What you will find is a DMM under $10 that will give you reasonable accuracy. You might even find one under $5.
lol at HF they have one that looks pretty nice for 25 bones. What im curious about is does it matter WHAT kind i get, or is any DMM going to work? No matter the voltage.
All in all though today wasnt a complete waste.. i took my center console out and screwed a piece of MDF wood to replace it then i was going to carpet it... but i decided too just use black duck tape instead. THEN just screwed the amp to the piece of wood, fits like it was made to be there.
Tomorrow ill pick up a DMM, Sean on the SSA Team wants me to call him tomorrow so he can help me with it, so if DJ doesnt explain it to my understanding hopefully Sean will.
What I'm thinking is what Jesse said. Turn the remote gain knob up. It's not a bass boost. It's the same thing as the gain on the amp but will only go as high as you have it set on the amp itself. So if you have it plugged in you might have it all the way down. Or just unplug it.
Mark - i know what one you are talking about.. thats the one im planning on buying.
Sean - i suuuure f**kin hope so
I tried posting pictures of the amp rack but it had to be resized and i said f it.
Audio Express said they can test it to see if everything is working for 30 bones. If i cannot get it workin right today ima bite the bullet and take it to the "local audio shop morons"
Not yet.. its early here. 30 yeah i wouldnt like to have to spend that, and idk what they are going to too. Bench Test?..idfk how they would go about looking.
I asked them if they would set my gains and he said yeah.. for 80 bucks and hour! i was like f**k this and left.
I did call DJ and he helped me with the filters then I called then I called Sean and he helped me by explaining what filter does what Ina different form that hasn't been explained anywhere I've looked before. Today I am going to phuck with it some more and see what how it plays. the issue is slowly fadding