he's getting it for 100$, the thing is there might be other brands available but since We live in Canada, brands like RE and Fi are less available. We would have to order them online, and then you have incorporate shipping and everything. Like me i went with an idmax but i bought it online and had it shipped to a friend in the states to save some cash or else it would come out more expensive than a W7. Thats why I had originally recommended the RE SE but with shipping and weverything it comes out pricey. But if you want to recommend something Im open to suggestions.
Ya it does big time, you get shops that will sell what they have which is not a bad thing its just harder to find the stuff you want in one shop. For example most places will carry Sony, JBL, Kicker, JL Pioneer, Infinity, and almost all carry Alpine. At one point Rockford too now nobody carries Rockford here Than if you want audison, theres one place for that, if you want arc audio, one place for that, genesis another place for that, Ask for zapco, RE, FI, and other brand named American made amps, good luck hard to find so i have to resort to internet, At least cause of nafta i wont pay duties and American Made products buts still it becomes a prob for warrantees returns, repairs and shipping. I have this feeling that companies dont want american made stuff exactly for these reasons which sucks cause we're the ones losing but Im willing to take the chance for myself to by high end from the USA cause i research and check everything before buying but making a friend make that decision on a budget im less willing to do that.
thats not bad, but its 1/4ohm which i like less cause the amp will have to be bigger,
Thanks for all the help guys im going to order the JBL, either way it should be enough for my friend. By the way the JBL recommends 4"x10" port to tune at 32hz but if I go with a 4"x6" aero would it be the same results?
Cause i cant seem to fine a 4x10 unless i make one using PVC