alright so my voltage drop is pretty bad right now running 2 fi bl 15's and 2 aq1200's. i only have stock alt so obviously i need to upgrade that and get another bat. but im short on cash.
Q: easy to run dual stock alts? stock i get 150 amps so would it be doubled with another stock. i can upgrade to an aftermarket alt for 300 bones and another stock for 40 so it would help alot if this wasnt too hard any help is appreciated
For the price a bracket and new belt would cost you to run 2 stock alts, plus the price of the second alt, invest that money into one good, strong alt. Be sure to upgrade your battery terminals and do the big 3 upgrade with 0 guage wire.
I need the measurements first so we can know what size it needs to be along with yr make/model/year and engine information. I'll call him and ask for around about price tho.