I will be running 300 rms to either one of the subs at 2 ohms so im shooting for the dvc 4 ohm version.
They will both be in a ported box.
The 10 will be in a 1.5 cu ft box and the 12 will be in a 2.25 cu ft box. The recommend cu ft for the 10 is 1.00-1.75 and the 12 is like 1.50-2.25. The 10 is 300 rms and the 12 is 400 rms. So with that info what sub would you choose.
i would go with the 12, cuz u really cant go wrong with 12" subs no matter what you listen to - very flexible size - quick response, larger surface area than 10's to get louder - overall a better choice than 10's but this is my opinion